Der Versand der Sneaker Kunstwerke erfolgt ausschliesslich per DHL Paket mit Tracking und Versicherung.
Der Versand erfolgt innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach der Auktion und Zahlungseingang bei allen online ersteigerten Kunstwerken.
Kunstwerke, die in der Affenfaustgalerie ersteigert werden, können an diesem Tag nach Zahlung via EC- oder Kreditkarte vor Ort, direkt mitgenommen werden.
Die Verpackungs- und Versandkosten betragen pauschal 10,00 EUR brutto für alle Sendungen innerhalb von Deutschland und 20,00 EUR brutto für alle Sendungen innerhalb der EU. Für Pakete in Länder außerhalb der EU sind die Versandkosten anzufragen - sie belaufen sich je nach Land zwischen 30 und 100,00 EUR.
The sneaker artwork is shipped exclusively by DHL package with tracking and insurance.
Shipping will be done within 5 days after the auction and receipt of payment for all artworks purchased online.
Artworks, which are auctioned in the Affenfaustgalerie, can be taken directly on this day after payment via EC or credit card on site.
The packaging and shipping costs are a flat rate of 10.00 EUR gross for all shipments within Germany and 20.00 EUR gross for all shipments within the EU. For parcels to countries outside the EU the shipping costs have to be inquired - they are between 30 and 100,00 EUR depending on the country.
Mit der Kunstauktion soll das Esche Jugendkunsthaus gefördert werden. Die Erlöse werden daher an das Esche Jugendkunsthaus gespendet und dienen dem Guten Zweck der Förderung von neuen Kreativkursen.
Dieser Sneaker ist ein Kunstwerk und soll infolge der künstlerischen Umgestaltung nicht mehr als Turnschuh/Sneaker genutzt werden. Ausschluss der Gewährleistung!
Sie ersteigern als jeweils Höchstbietender ein paar von einem Künstler individuell (um)gestaltete Sneaker als „Kunstwerk“. Die Nutzung des „Kunstwerks“ in seiner ursprünglichen Funktion als Sneaker bzw. Turnschuh ist damit nicht mehr gegeben und kann nicht mehr gewährleistetet werden. Es können daher keine Garantien, Zusicherungen, Beschaffenheitsvereinbarungen oder sonstige Haftung für das von Ihnen als Kunstwerk ersteigerten Sneaker/Turnschuhe übernommen werden, soweit Sie das Kunstwerk trotz seiner Umgestaltung wie einen Sneaker/Turnschuh nutzen und tragen. Wir weisen noch einmal darauf hin, dass diese Nutzung für das Kunstwerk nicht mehr vorgesehen ist. Sie können für den Fall der geplanten oder bereits erfolgten Nutzung daher das ersteigerte Kunstwerk nicht zurückgeben oder andere Gewährleistungsansprüche geltend machen.
Die Gewährleistung erfolgt im Übrigens nach den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen. Der Künstler prüft jedes Kunstwerk vor seiner Übergabe und der Zustand wird durch Fotos dokumentiert. Sollte das Kunstwerk im Zeitpunkt der Auslieferung zur Versendung trotzdem mangelhaft sein, können Sie Rückabwicklung verlangen, sollte man sich nicht anderweitig einigen können. Farbabweichungen vom Original zur fotographischen Abbildung sind immer möglich und nicht auszuschließen. Wir können hierfür keine Haftung übernehmen.
The art auction is intended to support the Esche Jugendkunsthaus. The proceeds will therefore be donated to the Esche Jugendkunsthaus and serve the good purpose of promoting new creative courses.
This sneaker is a work of art and shall no longer be used as a sneaker/sneaker as a result of the artistic redesign. Exclusion of warranty!
You bid as the highest bidder in each case a pair of sneakers individually (re)designed by an artist as a "work of art". The use of the "work of art" in its original function as a sneaker or sneaker is thus no longer given and can no longer be guaranteed. Therefore, no guarantees, warranties, quality agreements or other liability can be assumed for the sneaker/sneaker auctioned by you as a work of art, insofar as you use and wear the work of art like a sneaker/sneaker despite its transformation. We would like to point out once again that this use is no longer intended for the work of art. You can therefore not return the auctioned artwork or make other warranty claims in the event of planned or already occurred use.
Incidentally, the warranty is provided in accordance with the statutory provisions. The artist inspects each work of art before it is delivered and its condition is documented by photographs. If the artwork is still defective at the time of delivery for shipment, you can demand reversal if no other agreement can be reached. Color deviations from the original to the photographic image are always possible and can not be excluded. We can not accept any liability for this.
Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen
der NICE – Sneaker unterm Hammer Auktion
durchgeführt durch die five14 GmbH zu Gunsten des Esche Jugendkunsthaus gGmbH
Wichtige Informationen
Der Versteigerer erhält vom Käufer kein weiteres Aufgeld auf den Zuschlagpreises.
Im Warenpreis, sowie Porto- und Versicherungskosten und eventuell andere Zusatzdienstleistungen ist die gültige deutsche Mehrwertsteuer von zurzeit 19 % eingerechnet.
Versteigerungsbedingungen für die NICE Sneaker unterm Hammer Versteigerung
Hamburg, im April 2022
General Terms and Conditions
of the NICE - Sneaker under the Hammer Auction
carried out by five14 GmbH in favor of the Esche Jugendkunsthaus gGmbH
Important information
The auctioneer does not receive any additional surcharge on the hammer price from the buyer.
In the price of the goods, as well as postage and insurance costs and possibly other additional services, the valid German value added tax of currently 19% is included.
General Terms and Conditions
Auction conditions for the NICE sneaker under the hammer auction
1) These terms and conditions apply to the classic auction as well as to the online auction on May 15, 2022.
2. the auction items will be auctioned by five14 GmbH. The proceeds from this auction will go in full to the Esche Jugendkunsthaus gGmbH.
3. the auction takes place voluntarily and publicly against immediate cash payment in EUR or EC or credit card payment on site.
The five14 GmbH has the right to withdraw lots, regroup them or refuse to accept the bid. In the event of bids of the same amount, the bid received earlier shall have priority; in the event of misunderstandings, the lot shall be called out once again.
(4) The highest bidder shall be awarded the lot and shall undertake to accept the lot. The hammer price and other costs are due for payment immediately. Anyone bidding on behalf of a third party shall be jointly and severally liable with the third party. With the acceptance of the bid, the risk is transferred to the buyer. 5.
5. buyers have the possibility to place their bids with the live online bidding system (bidding in real time on their own computer). This requires registration at www-lot-tissimo. There are no additional fees for this service.
6. all bidders who are not personally known to five14 GmbH must register 48 hours before the start of the auction using the form provided for this purpose.
7. the auctioned lots are to be paid immediately after receipt of the invoice or advance invoice, but at the latest within 7 days after the end of the auction. If this payment deadline is exceeded, the buyer shall immediately be in default of payment and five14 GmbH shall be entitled to charge interest at the current rate of 5% p.a..
If the buyer defaults on payment or refuses to accept the goods, five14 GmbH reserves the right to either sue for performance of the contract as well as payment of the purchase price and damages or to cancel the purchase transaction. In this case, five14 GmbH is entitled to dispose of the lots in another manner, in particular it may sell the lots by private contract or have them auctioned again or have them auctioned again. In any case, the buyer shall be liable for any damages incurred as well as for any reduced proceeds. He shall not be entitled to any additional proceeds and shall not be admitted to any further bidding.
8. lots are always handed over after full payment of the auction invoice. It is solely at the discretion of five14 GmbH to hand over lots against invoice. The lots will be delivered to the buyer by five14 GmbH insured by DHL parcel. Shipping costs and insurance premiums shall be borne by the buyer.
9. the seller retains ownership of all lots awarded until the entire invoice has been paid in full. They may not be resold, pledged, or otherwise transferred to third parties by the buyer. Any plea of set-off shall be excluded.
(10) The lots to be auctioned are described conscientiously and with the utmost care. However, the descriptions and the illustrations do not represent guaranteed properties. Justified complaints must be received by five14 GmbH no later than two weeks after the auction.
11. the objects offered in this catalog are auctioned in the condition in which they are at the moment of the knockdown. The benefit and risk of the objects shall pass to the buyer upon acceptance of the bid. Every interested party has the opportunity to personally inspect the condition of the objects at the exhibition/inspection that precedes the auction. The description of the objects in this catalog has only the character of an expression of opinion and does not represent any assurance of properties. The five14 GmbH is not liable for incorrect attributions or incorrect information regarding origin, date, age, provenance, condition, or authenticity, nor for other open or hidden defects.
Descriptions and descriptions in the digital auction catalog as well as copies of any illustrations and copies of certificates for the attention of written bidders or online bidders do not constitute warranted characteristics and are not guarantees with regard to the quality, quantity and authenticity of the lots.
12. if, within the complaint period, i.e. within fourteen days after the end of the auction, a buyer provides the auctioneer with written proof on the basis of a recognized expert opinion that, contrary to the catalog description, the object is a forgery, the auctioneer will cancel the purchase and refund the purchase price on condition that the object is returned within the complaint period in the same condition in which it was at the time of the knockdown. Complaints received by five14 GmbH after the 15th day after the end of the auction cannot be accepted.
13. all lots can be viewed at the Affenfaustgalerie, Hamburg at the times stated in the catalog before the auction.
14. complaints about the degree of preservation or disagreements about the condition of the auctioned items will not be accepted, as the possibility of inspection is given both before and during the auction.
15. written orders will be executed conscientiously and strictly in the interest of the customer, but without guarantee, by five14 GmbH. The customer may submit alternative bids and limit the order amount.
16. five14 GmbH will gladly assist with the shipment of the auctioned goods. However, five14 GmbH cannot carry out shipping orders to countries that have issued special shipping regulations or sanctions against the import of certain auction goods.
Compliance with foreign customs and foreign exchange regulations etc. is the responsibility of the buyer. five14 GmbH expressly disclaims responsibility for any consequences that may arise from violations of such regulations.
17. the names of the consignors and the buyers shall not be disclosed as a matter of principle.
18. five14 GmbH cannot be held responsible for a faulty or inadequate internet or telephone connection or for technical problems during the live auction (bidding in real time via the internet).
19. claims for damages against five14 GmbH, whether arising from delay, impossibility of performance, positive breach of contract, culpa in contrahendo or tort, are excluded, unless the damage was caused by intentional or grossly negligent conduct.
20. place of performance and exclusive place of jurisdiction: Hamburg, Germany. However, five14 GmbH reserves the right to take legal action against a debtor at the debtor's place of residence if necessary. It is also entitled to exclude persons from the inspection and auction without giving reasons.
21. The auction is exclusively subject to German law.
22. by submitting bids and purchase orders, the present terms and conditions of auction are fully accepted. They shall also apply mutatis mutandis to all transactions concluded with auction material outside the auctions.
The original German text shall be authoritative for the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions of Auction.
Hamburg, April 2022
Ihre Anfrage wurde an das Auktionshaus geschickt
Entschuldigung, es gab eine Fehlermeldung bei der Sendung Ihrer Anfrage. Bitte versuchen Sie es zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt noch einmal.
Der Versand der Sneaker Kunstwerke erfolgt ausschliesslich per DHL Paket mit Tracking und Versicherung.
Der Versand erfolgt innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach der Auktion und Zahlungseingang bei allen online ersteigerten Kunstwerken.
Kunstwerke, die in der Affenfaustgalerie ersteigert werden, können an diesem Tag nach Zahlung via EC- oder Kreditkarte vor Ort, direkt mitgenommen werden.
Die Verpackungs- und Versandkosten betragen pauschal 10,00 EUR brutto für alle Sendungen innerhalb von Deutschland und 20,00 EUR brutto für alle Sendungen innerhalb der EU. Für Pakete in Länder außerhalb der EU sind die Versandkosten anzufragen - sie belaufen sich je nach Land zwischen 30 und 100,00 EUR.
The sneaker artwork is shipped exclusively by DHL package with tracking and insurance.
Shipping will be done within 5 days after the auction and receipt of payment for all artworks purchased online.
Artworks, which are auctioned in the Affenfaustgalerie, can be taken directly on this day after payment via EC or credit card on site.
The packaging and shipping costs are a flat rate of 10.00 EUR gross for all shipments within Germany and 20.00 EUR gross for all shipments within the EU. For parcels to countries outside the EU the shipping costs have to be inquired - they are between 30 and 100,00 EUR depending on the country.
Mit der Kunstauktion soll das Esche Jugendkunsthaus gefördert werden. Die Erlöse werden daher an das Esche Jugendkunsthaus gespendet und dienen dem Guten Zweck der Förderung von neuen Kreativkursen.
Dieser Sneaker ist ein Kunstwerk und soll infolge der künstlerischen Umgestaltung nicht mehr als Turnschuh/Sneaker genutzt werden. Ausschluss der Gewährleistung!
Sie ersteigern als jeweils Höchstbietender ein paar von einem Künstler individuell (um)gestaltete Sneaker als „Kunstwerk“. Die Nutzung des „Kunstwerks“ in seiner ursprünglichen Funktion als Sneaker bzw. Turnschuh ist damit nicht mehr gegeben und kann nicht mehr gewährleistetet werden. Es können daher keine Garantien, Zusicherungen, Beschaffenheitsvereinbarungen oder sonstige Haftung für das von Ihnen als Kunstwerk ersteigerten Sneaker/Turnschuhe übernommen werden, soweit Sie das Kunstwerk trotz seiner Umgestaltung wie einen Sneaker/Turnschuh nutzen und tragen. Wir weisen noch einmal darauf hin, dass diese Nutzung für das Kunstwerk nicht mehr vorgesehen ist. Sie können für den Fall der geplanten oder bereits erfolgten Nutzung daher das ersteigerte Kunstwerk nicht zurückgeben oder andere Gewährleistungsansprüche geltend machen.
Die Gewährleistung erfolgt im Übrigens nach den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen. Der Künstler prüft jedes Kunstwerk vor seiner Übergabe und der Zustand wird durch Fotos dokumentiert. Sollte das Kunstwerk im Zeitpunkt der Auslieferung zur Versendung trotzdem mangelhaft sein, können Sie Rückabwicklung verlangen, sollte man sich nicht anderweitig einigen können. Farbabweichungen vom Original zur fotographischen Abbildung sind immer möglich und nicht auszuschließen. Wir können hierfür keine Haftung übernehmen.
The art auction is intended to support the Esche Jugendkunsthaus. The proceeds will therefore be donated to the Esche Jugendkunsthaus and serve the good purpose of promoting new creative courses.
This sneaker is a work of art and shall no longer be used as a sneaker/sneaker as a result of the artistic redesign. Exclusion of warranty!
You bid as the highest bidder in each case a pair of sneakers individually (re)designed by an artist as a "work of art". The use of the "work of art" in its original function as a sneaker or sneaker is thus no longer given and can no longer be guaranteed. Therefore, no guarantees, warranties, quality agreements or other liability can be assumed for the sneaker/sneaker auctioned by you as a work of art, insofar as you use and wear the work of art like a sneaker/sneaker despite its transformation. We would like to point out once again that this use is no longer intended for the work of art. You can therefore not return the auctioned artwork or make other warranty claims in the event of planned or already occurred use.
Incidentally, the warranty is provided in accordance with the statutory provisions. The artist inspects each work of art before it is delivered and its condition is documented by photographs. If the artwork is still defective at the time of delivery for shipment, you can demand reversal if no other agreement can be reached. Color deviations from the original to the photographic image are always possible and can not be excluded. We can not accept any liability for this.
Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen
der NICE – Sneaker unterm Hammer Auktion
durchgeführt durch die five14 GmbH zu Gunsten des Esche Jugendkunsthaus gGmbH
Wichtige Informationen
Der Versteigerer erhält vom Käufer kein weiteres Aufgeld auf den Zuschlagpreises.
Im Warenpreis, sowie Porto- und Versicherungskosten und eventuell andere Zusatzdienstleistungen ist die gültige deutsche Mehrwertsteuer von zurzeit 19 % eingerechnet.
Versteigerungsbedingungen für die NICE Sneaker unterm Hammer Versteigerung
Hamburg, im April 2022
General Terms and Conditions
of the NICE - Sneaker under the Hammer Auction
carried out by five14 GmbH in favor of the Esche Jugendkunsthaus gGmbH
Important information
The auctioneer does not receive any additional surcharge on the hammer price from the buyer.
In the price of the goods, as well as postage and insurance costs and possibly other additional services, the valid German value added tax of currently 19% is included.
General Terms and Conditions
Auction conditions for the NICE sneaker under the hammer auction
1) These terms and conditions apply to the classic auction as well as to the online auction on May 15, 2022.
2. the auction items will be auctioned by five14 GmbH. The proceeds from this auction will go in full to the Esche Jugendkunsthaus gGmbH.
3. the auction takes place voluntarily and publicly against immediate cash payment in EUR or EC or credit card payment on site.
The five14 GmbH has the right to withdraw lots, regroup them or refuse to accept the bid. In the event of bids of the same amount, the bid received earlier shall have priority; in the event of misunderstandings, the lot shall be called out once again.
(4) The highest bidder shall be awarded the lot and shall undertake to accept the lot. The hammer price and other costs are due for payment immediately. Anyone bidding on behalf of a third party shall be jointly and severally liable with the third party. With the acceptance of the bid, the risk is transferred to the buyer. 5.
5. buyers have the possibility to place their bids with the live online bidding system (bidding in real time on their own computer). This requires registration at www-lot-tissimo. There are no additional fees for this service.
6. all bidders who are not personally known to five14 GmbH must register 48 hours before the start of the auction using the form provided for this purpose.
7. the auctioned lots are to be paid immediately after receipt of the invoice or advance invoice, but at the latest within 7 days after the end of the auction. If this payment deadline is exceeded, the buyer shall immediately be in default of payment and five14 GmbH shall be entitled to charge interest at the current rate of 5% p.a..
If the buyer defaults on payment or refuses to accept the goods, five14 GmbH reserves the right to either sue for performance of the contract as well as payment of the purchase price and damages or to cancel the purchase transaction. In this case, five14 GmbH is entitled to dispose of the lots in another manner, in particular it may sell the lots by private contract or have them auctioned again or have them auctioned again. In any case, the buyer shall be liable for any damages incurred as well as for any reduced proceeds. He shall not be entitled to any additional proceeds and shall not be admitted to any further bidding.
8. lots are always handed over after full payment of the auction invoice. It is solely at the discretion of five14 GmbH to hand over lots against invoice. The lots will be delivered to the buyer by five14 GmbH insured by DHL parcel. Shipping costs and insurance premiums shall be borne by the buyer.
9. the seller retains ownership of all lots awarded until the entire invoice has been paid in full. They may not be resold, pledged, or otherwise transferred to third parties by the buyer. Any plea of set-off shall be excluded.
(10) The lots to be auctioned are described conscientiously and with the utmost care. However, the descriptions and the illustrations do not represent guaranteed properties. Justified complaints must be received by five14 GmbH no later than two weeks after the auction.
11. the objects offered in this catalog are auctioned in the condition in which they are at the moment of the knockdown. The benefit and risk of the objects shall pass to the buyer upon acceptance of the bid. Every interested party has the opportunity to personally inspect the condition of the objects at the exhibition/inspection that precedes the auction. The description of the objects in this catalog has only the character of an expression of opinion and does not represent any assurance of properties. The five14 GmbH is not liable for incorrect attributions or incorrect information regarding origin, date, age, provenance, condition, or authenticity, nor for other open or hidden defects.
Descriptions and descriptions in the digital auction catalog as well as copies of any illustrations and copies of certificates for the attention of written bidders or online bidders do not constitute warranted characteristics and are not guarantees with regard to the quality, quantity and authenticity of the lots.
12. if, within the complaint period, i.e. within fourteen days after the end of the auction, a buyer provides the auctioneer with written proof on the basis of a recognized expert opinion that, contrary to the catalog description, the object is a forgery, the auctioneer will cancel the purchase and refund the purchase price on condition that the object is returned within the complaint period in the same condition in which it was at the time of the knockdown. Complaints received by five14 GmbH after the 15th day after the end of the auction cannot be accepted.
13. all lots can be viewed at the Affenfaustgalerie, Hamburg at the times stated in the catalog before the auction.
14. complaints about the degree of preservation or disagreements about the condition of the auctioned items will not be accepted, as the possibility of inspection is given both before and during the auction.
15. written orders will be executed conscientiously and strictly in the interest of the customer, but without guarantee, by five14 GmbH. The customer may submit alternative bids and limit the order amount.
16. five14 GmbH will gladly assist with the shipment of the auctioned goods. However, five14 GmbH cannot carry out shipping orders to countries that have issued special shipping regulations or sanctions against the import of certain auction goods.
Compliance with foreign customs and foreign exchange regulations etc. is the responsibility of the buyer. five14 GmbH expressly disclaims responsibility for any consequences that may arise from violations of such regulations.
17. the names of the consignors and the buyers shall not be disclosed as a matter of principle.
18. five14 GmbH cannot be held responsible for a faulty or inadequate internet or telephone connection or for technical problems during the live auction (bidding in real time via the internet).
19. claims for damages against five14 GmbH, whether arising from delay, impossibility of performance, positive breach of contract, culpa in contrahendo or tort, are excluded, unless the damage was caused by intentional or grossly negligent conduct.
20. place of performance and exclusive place of jurisdiction: Hamburg, Germany. However, five14 GmbH reserves the right to take legal action against a debtor at the debtor's place of residence if necessary. It is also entitled to exclude persons from the inspection and auction without giving reasons.
21. The auction is exclusively subject to German law.
22. by submitting bids and purchase orders, the present terms and conditions of auction are fully accepted. They shall also apply mutatis mutandis to all transactions concluded with auction material outside the auctions.
The original German text shall be authoritative for the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions of Auction.
Hamburg, April 2022