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279 Los(e)/Seite
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Frappe de l'Echo
Frappe de l'EchoFrappe de l'Echosigned lower right, in pencil, "Victor Brauner"; numbered lower left, in pencil, "57/70"13 × 9,5 cmVictor Braunere...
Geometric composition
Geometric compositionGeometric compositionsigned and dated lower right, ”L.K., (19)22”; signed lower right, under the framework, in pencil, ”Kassa...
Puk and Hiras
Puk and HirasPuk and Hirassigned and dated lower right, ink and pen, "Victor Brauner, 1926"collection of Stephan Roll.28 × 21 cmVictor Braunerink ...
La Gerbe (Shapes)
La Gerbe (Shapes)La Gerbe (Shapes)42,5 × 27 cmHenri Matissescreen printing
Cri des Sirenes
Cri des SirenesCri des Sirenessigned lower right, in pencil, "Marcel Ianco"; titled and numbered lower left, in pencil, "Cri des Sirenes, 113/190"...
CompositionCompositionsigned lower left, ink and pen, ”Aurel Cojan”23 × 30 cmAurel Cojanwatercolour and ink on paper
Blanc sur Blanc
Blanc sur BlancBlanc sur Blancsigned lower middle, in brown, "Marcel Iancu"; titled lower left, in brown, "Blanc sur Blanc"; numbered lower right,...
The Birth of Venus
The Birth of VenusThe Birth of Venussigned lower right, under the framework, in pencil, "Dali"; numbered lower left, under the framework, in penci...
Comte de Lautremont (Les Chants de Maldoror)Comte de Lautremont (Les Chants de Maldoror)signed and dated lower left, in framework, "Victor Brauner...
Venus in furs
Venus in fursVenus in furssigned lower right, in pencil, under the framework, ”Dali”; noted lower left, under the framework, in pencil, ”E.A.”31,5...
The Three Graces
The Three GracesThe Three Gracessigned lower left, in framework, ”Janco”; signed lower right, under the framework, in pencil, "M. Janco"; numbered...
KonstructionKonstructionsigned lower left, in framework, "Moholy-Nagy"15 × 20 cmLászló Moholy-Nagyetching and needle engraving
Diploma for the poet Gherasim LucaDiploma for the poet Gherasim Luca31,5 × 24 cmVictor Braunerink on paper laid on cardboard1960
Maison avec Observatoire
Maison avec ObservatoireMaison avec Observatoiresigned and dated right side, ink and pen, "Marcel Iancu, 1918"; titled lower middle, ink and pen, ...
At the seaside
At the seasideAt the seasidesigned lower right, in pencil, "Marcel Ianco"; numbered lower left, in pencil, "81/250"40,5 × 55,5 cmMarcel Iancuscree...
Adam and Eve
Adam and EveAdam and Evesigned and dated lower right, ink and pen, "VB, (1)930"collection of Stephan Roll.16 × 23 cmVictor Braunerink on paper1930
The Bird and it's Nest
The Bird and it's NestThe Bird and it's Nest34 × 50 cmGeorges Braquescreen printing
Le Fianceé Heliotropique
Le Fianceé HeliotropiqueLe Fianceé Heliotropiquesigned lower left, in pencil, "VB", dated lower right, in pencil, "1955"38,5 × 54,5 cmVictor Braun...
Nouvelle trophée
Nouvelle trophéeNouvelle trophéesigned lower right, in pencil, "Marcel Ianco"; dated lower middle, in pencil, "1916"; noted lower left, in pencil,...
Stephan Roll
Stephan RollStephan Rollcollection of Stephan Roll31 × 23 cmVictor Braunerink and watercolour on paper
Two Friends
Two FriendsTwo Friendssigned lower left, ink and pen, illegible, ”Marcel Iancu”30 × 22,5 cmMarcel Iancuink and coloured crayons on paper
Felix Aderca
Felix AdercaFelix Adercasigned lower right, ink and pen, "MI"; noted lower left, in pencil, "Felix Aderca"24,5 × 21,5 cmMarcel Iancuink on paper
Milița Petrașcu
Milița PetrașcuMilița Petrașcusigned lower left, ink and pen, "MI"; noted lower left, in pencil, "Milița Petrașcu"32 × 22 cmMarcel Iancuink on pap...
Salvador Dalí (press photography)Salvador Dalí (press photography)22 × 18 cmPhilippe Halsmannot framedca. 1954
Salvador Dalí (press photography)Salvador Dalí (press photography)12 × 18 cmnot framedca. 1960
Picasso playing the trumpet
Picasso playing the trumpetPicasso playing the trumpetsigned lower right, in black, "L. Fournol"; noted lower left, in black, "E.A"40 × 50 cmLuc F...
Marc Chagall in his studio
Marc Chagall in his studioMarc Chagall in his studiosigned lower right, in blue, "L. Fournol"; signed, dated and numbered on the reverse, in gray,...
Georges Braque in his studio
Georges Braque in his studioGeorges Braque in his studiosigned lower right, in brown, "L. Fournol"; noted lower left, in brown, "E.A"40 × 50 cmLuc...
Salvador Dali in his studio
Salvador Dali in his studioSalvador Dali in his studiosigned lower right, in black, "L. Fournol"40 × 50 cmLuc Fournolsilver gelatin printca. 1950
Salvador Dalí (press photography)Salvador Dalí (press photography)18 × 12 cmca. 1970
Jean Michel Basquiat
Jean Michel BasquiatJean Michel Basquiat23 × 17,5 cmAndy Warhol1982
Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray
Marcel Duchamp and Man RayMarcel Duchamp and Man Ray21 × 13,5 cmPablo Voltasilver gelatin printca. 1950-1960
Jacqueline Goddard - the artist's MuseJacqueline Goddard - the artist's Muse45,5 × 36 cmMan Rayphotogravure1934
"The Pilgrim" - decorative plate with René Magritte's artwork"The Pilgrim" - decorative plate with René Magritte's artworkd=21 cmglazed porcelain
"Les delices petits martyrs" - decorative plate Salvador Dali, limited edition"Les delices petits martyrs" - decorative plate Salvador Dali, limit...
Porcelain Vase designed by Pablo PicassoPorcelain Vase designed by Pablo Picasso24 × 12,5 × 7 cmGoebel Artis Orbisglazed porcelain
"Las 7 Artes" - seven decorative plates by Salvador Dali, limited edition of 5000"Las 7 Artes" - seven decorative plates by Salvador Dali, limited...
"La Conquete du Cosmos" - twelve decorative plates by Salvador Dali, limited edition of 4000"La Conquete du Cosmos" - twelve decorative plates by ...
The Zodiac - twelve decorative plates by Salvador Dali, limited edition of 5000The Zodiac - twelve decorative plates by Salvador Dali, limited edi...
Four decorative plates by Joan Miró, edition dedicated to FC BarcelonaFour decorative plates by Joan Miró, edition dedicated to FC Barcelonad=22 c...
"The dingoes that park their brain with their gum" - six decorative plates by Jean-Michel Basquiat
"The dingoes that park their brain with their gum" - six decorative plates by Jean-Michel Basquiat"The dingoes that park their brain with their gu...
"Untitled" - three decorative plates by Keith Haring"Untitled" - three decorative plates by Keith Haringd=21 cm, d=21.5 cm, d=27 cmLimoges Worksho...
"The Goat" - decorative plate with Marcel Iancu's artwork"The Goat" - decorative plate with Marcel Iancu's artworkd=27 cmglazed porcelain
Victor Brauner and Ilarie VoroncaVictor Brauner and Ilarie Voroncasigned on the reverse, in pencil, "Victor"collection of Lena Constante.30,5 × 19...
Victor Brauner in his studio
Victor Brauner in his studioVictor Brauner in his studionoted and datat on the reverse, in pencil, "Brauner, 1947"; on the reverse, the artist's s...
Victor Brauner in his studio
Victor Brauner in his studioVictor Brauner in his studiosigned lower right, in pencil, "Ernst Scheidegger"; noted and numbered lower left, in penc...
Constantin Brancusi in his work robeConstantin Brancusi in his work robe20 × 15,5 cmEdward Steichenphotogravure1922
Constantin Brancusi in his studioConstantin Brancusi in his studio25 × 20 cmEdward Steichenphotogravure1927
Five Photographs of Famous Brancusi Artworks, from the collection of Lawyer Victor N. PoppFive Photographs of Famous Brancusi Artworks, from the c...
Constantin Brancusi with his canine friend Polaire and another dogConstantin Brancusi with his canine friend Polaire and another dog30 × 22 cmMan ...
Constantin Brancusi smoking
Constantin Brancusi smokingConstantin Brancusi smokingsigned on the reverse, in black, "Man Ray"20 × 22 cmMan Rayphotogravure1930
Constantin Brancusi and Irina CodreanuConstantin Brancusi and Irina Codreanu19 × 15 cmAndré Kertészphotogravure1928

279 Los(e)/Seite