

1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text)

In Motorcycles Online - The January Sale

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1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 1 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 2 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 3 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 4 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 5 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 6 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 7 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 8 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 9 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 10 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 11 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 12 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 13 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 14 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 15 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 16 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 17 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 18 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 19 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 20 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 21 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 22 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 23 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 24 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 25 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 26 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 27 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 28 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 29 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 30 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 31 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 32 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 33 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 34 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 35 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 36 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 37 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 38 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 39 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 40 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 41 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 42 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 43 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 44 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 45 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 46 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 47 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 48 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 49 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 50 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 51 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 52 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 53 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 54 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 55 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 56 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 57 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 58 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 59 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 60 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 61 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 62 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 63 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 64 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 65 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 66 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 67 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 1 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 2 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 3 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 4 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 5 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 6 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 7 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 8 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 9 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 10 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 11 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 12 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 13 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 14 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 15 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 16 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 17 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 18 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 19 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 20 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 21 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 22 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 23 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 24 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 25 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 26 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 27 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 28 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 29 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 30 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 31 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 32 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 33 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 34 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 35 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 36 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 37 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 38 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 39 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 40 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 41 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 42 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 43 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 44 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 45 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 46 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 47 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 48 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 49 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 50 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 51 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 52 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 53 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 54 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 55 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 56 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 57 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 58 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 59 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 60 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 61 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 62 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 63 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 64 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 65 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 66 aus 67
1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) - Bild 67 aus 67
Das Auktionshaus hat für dieses Los keine Ergebnisse veröffentlicht
Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Registration no. KMA 475 Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) 'Perhaps the outstanding thought from extensive driving of the Bentley MkVI built by the world's premier car manufacturers, Rolls-Royce, is that it has no single predominant feature but gains its unique position from a combination of superbly matched qualities that raise it above the level of other cars.' - The Autocar magazine, April 1950. Although Rolls-Royce retained a separate chassis for its immediately post-war models, the company broke with the coachbuilt tradition by introducing standard bodywork. The 'standard steel' body was available at first only on the MkVI Bentley (the equivalent Rolls-Royce Silver Dawn not arriving until 1949) though customers could still opt for a coachbuilt alternative if they so desired. Other notable features were independent front suspension and hydraulic front brakes, while powering the range was a new 4,257cc (later 4,566cc) six-cylinder engine featuring inlet-over-exhaust valve gear. In the absence from the post-war Bentley range of anything remotely resembling its Vintage-era touring models, enthusiasts with a yen for stripped-down, wind-in-the-hair excitement had little choice but to opt for a conversion. A number of specialist coachbuilders offered variations on the theme, though the constructor of this example is not known. 'KMA 475' has an open four-seater four-door touring body in aluminium finished in British Racing Green and equipped with running boards and steel cycle wings. The car's entry in Ray Roberts' Bentley Specials & Special Bentleys (1990) is brief: 'A MK VI Special on an early 4¼-Litre chassis, with minimal changes made and fitted with a four-seater body with a useful boot for touring. 'Seen at Kensington Gardens, London in 1988, owned by F (Frank) J Giron-Conlan.' The Bentley was acquired by our vendor in 2022, since when it has been used sparingly and kept dry-stored in the garage, with the battery on trickle charge. The car was last running in November 2024. It carries a tax disc that expired on 28th February 2015 and there are various motoring and other badges attached to the front badge bar. Accompanying documents include a current V5C Registration Certificate; DVLA tax/SORN correspondence; and a photocopy of the factory record card. The latter reveals that chassis number 'B99CD' - a 'standard steel' saloon registered 'KMA 475' - was first owned by the Rt Hon Osbert Peake, MP, resident at 10 Hyde Park Gardens, London W2. The car also comes with a selection of tools and a battery trickle charger. We advise prospective purchasers to study the online images in order to satisfy themselves with regard to the car's cosmetic condition prior to bidding. It should be noted that the engine number appears to have been restamped. Footnotes: All lots are sold 'as is/where is' and Bidders must satisfy themselves as to the provenance, condition, age, completeness and originality prior to bidding. REQUEST A TRANSPORT QUOTE Please click the link to request a transport quote from our recommended transport company, Bring a Trailer Ltd. To request a UK or European shipping quote - Bring a Trailer Ltd For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com For further information about this lot please visit the lot listing

1948 Bentley Mark VI Special Registration no. KMA 475 Chassis no. B99CD Engine no. B300C (see text) 'Perhaps the outstanding thought from extensive driving of the Bentley MkVI built by the world's premier car manufacturers, Rolls-Royce, is that it has no single predominant feature but gains its unique position from a combination of superbly matched qualities that raise it above the level of other cars.' - The Autocar magazine, April 1950. Although Rolls-Royce retained a separate chassis for its immediately post-war models, the company broke with the coachbuilt tradition by introducing standard bodywork. The 'standard steel' body was available at first only on the MkVI Bentley (the equivalent Rolls-Royce Silver Dawn not arriving until 1949) though customers could still opt for a coachbuilt alternative if they so desired. Other notable features were independent front suspension and hydraulic front brakes, while powering the range was a new 4,257cc (later 4,566cc) six-cylinder engine featuring inlet-over-exhaust valve gear. In the absence from the post-war Bentley range of anything remotely resembling its Vintage-era touring models, enthusiasts with a yen for stripped-down, wind-in-the-hair excitement had little choice but to opt for a conversion. A number of specialist coachbuilders offered variations on the theme, though the constructor of this example is not known. 'KMA 475' has an open four-seater four-door touring body in aluminium finished in British Racing Green and equipped with running boards and steel cycle wings. The car's entry in Ray Roberts' Bentley Specials & Special Bentleys (1990) is brief: 'A MK VI Special on an early 4¼-Litre chassis, with minimal changes made and fitted with a four-seater body with a useful boot for touring. 'Seen at Kensington Gardens, London in 1988, owned by F (Frank) J Giron-Conlan.' The Bentley was acquired by our vendor in 2022, since when it has been used sparingly and kept dry-stored in the garage, with the battery on trickle charge. The car was last running in November 2024. It carries a tax disc that expired on 28th February 2015 and there are various motoring and other badges attached to the front badge bar. Accompanying documents include a current V5C Registration Certificate; DVLA tax/SORN correspondence; and a photocopy of the factory record card. The latter reveals that chassis number 'B99CD' - a 'standard steel' saloon registered 'KMA 475' - was first owned by the Rt Hon Osbert Peake, MP, resident at 10 Hyde Park Gardens, London W2. The car also comes with a selection of tools and a battery trickle charger. We advise prospective purchasers to study the online images in order to satisfy themselves with regard to the car's cosmetic condition prior to bidding. It should be noted that the engine number appears to have been restamped. Footnotes: All lots are sold 'as is/where is' and Bidders must satisfy themselves as to the provenance, condition, age, completeness and originality prior to bidding. REQUEST A TRANSPORT QUOTE Please click the link to request a transport quote from our recommended transport company, Bring a Trailer Ltd. To request a UK or European shipping quote - Bring a Trailer Ltd For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com For further information about this lot please visit the lot listing

Motorcycles Online - The January Sale

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Bonhams Unit 4 Lakeview, Bond Avenue Bletchley
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom
United Kingdom

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Stichworte: Bentley, Rolls-Royce, Racing Green, Classic Car & Vehicle Brands, Car, Trailer