

SANTA MARIA, Frei Agostinho de, O.E.S.A.- Rosas do Japam, candidas açucenas, e ramalhete de fragrant

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SANTA MARIA, Frei Agostinho de, O.E.S.A.- Rosas do Japam, candidas açucenas, e ramalhete de fragrant - Bild 1 aus 2
SANTA MARIA, Frei Agostinho de, O.E.S.A.- Rosas do Japam, candidas açucenas, e ramalhete de fragrant - Bild 2 aus 2
SANTA MARIA, Frei Agostinho de, O.E.S.A.- Rosas do Japam, candidas açucenas, e ramalhete de fragrant - Bild 1 aus 2
SANTA MARIA, Frei Agostinho de, O.E.S.A.- Rosas do Japam, candidas açucenas, e ramalhete de fragrant - Bild 2 aus 2
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SANTA MARIA, Frei Agostinho de, O.E.S.A.- Rosas do Japam, candidas açucenas, e ramalhete de fragrantes, & peregrinas flores, colhidas no Jardim da Igreja do Japaõ, sem que os espinhos da infidelidade, & da idolatria as pudessem murchar, em as vidas das Muyto Illustres Senhoras, D. Julia Nayto, D. Luzia da Cruz, ou Caraviaxi, & D. Thecla Ignacia, ou Muni, & de suas Companheiras...- Lisboa: Na Officina de Antonio Pedrozo Galram,1709.- [12], 240 p.; 20 cm..- E. Junto com: -----.- Rosas do Japam, e da Cochinchina candidas açucenas, e ramilhete de fragrantes, & peregrinas flores, colhidas no Jardim da Igreja do Japaõ, e da Cochinchina, sem que os espinhos da infidelidade, & da idolatria as pudessem murchar...: Parte segunda...- Lisboa Occidental: Na Officina de Pedro Ferreyra, 1724.- [28], 392 p.; 20 cm.- E., The author (1642-1729), a hermit friar of Saint Augustine, born in Estremoz, whose secular name was Manuel Gomes Freire, was chronicler and vicar general of his congregation; From his pen came numerous and erudite works, among which, without a doubt, the best known is the “Marian Sanctuary”, in 10 volumes published between 1707 and 1723. In his work, the author includes accounts of the lives of oriental women converted to the Catholicism during the mission in Japan and Cochinchina (today Indochina) that took place between the end of the 16th century and the first half of the 17th. When recording news of these lives, Friar Augustine intended to give “to lukewarm Christians in the Kingdom”, examples of the oriental devotees who gave testimony to the strength of their faith, in the face of the persecution and martyrdom they suffered. Contemporary bindings, fully sheepskin, a little worn. Inocêncio, I, p. 19.
SANTA MARIA, Frei Agostinho de, O.E.S.A.- Rosas do Japam, candidas açucenas, e ramalhete de fragrantes, & peregrinas flores, colhidas no Jardim da Igreja do Japaõ, sem que os espinhos da infidelidade, & da idolatria as pudessem murchar, em as vidas das Muyto Illustres Senhoras, D. Julia Nayto, D. Luzia da Cruz, ou Caraviaxi, & D. Thecla Ignacia, ou Muni, & de suas Companheiras...- Lisboa: Na Officina de Antonio Pedrozo Galram,1709.- [12], 240 p.; 20 cm..- E. Junto com: -----.- Rosas do Japam, e da Cochinchina candidas açucenas, e ramilhete de fragrantes, & peregrinas flores, colhidas no Jardim da Igreja do Japaõ, e da Cochinchina, sem que os espinhos da infidelidade, & da idolatria as pudessem murchar...: Parte segunda...- Lisboa Occidental: Na Officina de Pedro Ferreyra, 1724.- [28], 392 p.; 20 cm.- E., The author (1642-1729), a hermit friar of Saint Augustine, born in Estremoz, whose secular name was Manuel Gomes Freire, was chronicler and vicar general of his congregation; From his pen came numerous and erudite works, among which, without a doubt, the best known is the “Marian Sanctuary”, in 10 volumes published between 1707 and 1723. In his work, the author includes accounts of the lives of oriental women converted to the Catholicism during the mission in Japan and Cochinchina (today Indochina) that took place between the end of the 16th century and the first half of the 17th. When recording news of these lives, Friar Augustine intended to give “to lukewarm Christians in the Kingdom”, examples of the oriental devotees who gave testimony to the strength of their faith, in the face of the persecution and martyrdom they suffered. Contemporary bindings, fully sheepskin, a little worn. Inocêncio, I, p. 19.

Antiques and Works of Art, Rare Books, Modern and Contemporary Art

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