AMICO DA GALLIPOLI, Fr. Bernardino, O.F.M.- TRATTATO | delle Piante & Immagini | de Sacri Edifizi di | TERRA SANTA | Disegnate in Jerusalemme | secondo le regole della | Prospettiua. & uera misura | della lor grandezza | DAL R. P. F. BERNARDINO | Amico da Gallipoli dell’ | Ord. di S. FRANCESCO de | Minori osseruanij | Stampate in Roma e di nuouo | ristampate dallistesso Autore | in piu piccola forma, | aggiuntoui la strada | dolorosa, & | altre | figure.- In Firenze: Apresso Pietro Cecconcelli, 1620.- [8], 65, [i. e. 82], [1 ] p.: 1 portada grav., il.; 30 cm.- E., Second edition of a work of the greatest importance for the history of the Holy Places and their religious monuments. The Franciscan Bernardino Amico, born in Gallipoli (fl. 1590-1610), traveled through the Holy Land at the end of the 16th century, having been prior of his order in Jerusalem between 1593 and 1597(?). During his stay he collected numerous notes and drawings from life, including facades and plans of some now-vanished buildings. Back in Italy, he published the work, first in 1609, with engravings by Antonio Tempesta, nine prints less than in the present edition, illustrated with 33 double engravings, by the famous French engraver Jacques Callot, including an engraved frontispiece and a view of Jerusalem, according to the original by Antonio de Angelis (1578). The work is dedicated to Cosimo II, of Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, who commissioned the engravings from Callot, expressly for this second edition. The volume presents irregular and incomprehensible pagination, which is why we present the detailed and rigorous collation below: [1], ¶4, A2, B1, C-F2, G1, H-L2, M1, N-R2, S1, T-V2, X1, Y-Z2, Aa-Cc2, Dd1, Ee-Qq2, Rr1, Ss-Vv2. The edition presents the engravings interspersed in successive printing and only afterwards was the respective descriptive text added. It was then necessary to add additional folios, when the remaining space proved to be insufficient for the text that needed to be printed, which explains the irregularity of the sections. On the verso of the last folio, the following colophon: In Firenze, M.DC.XIX. per il Cecconcelli. [mark of the pinter] Alle Stelle Medicee. Con Licenzia dé Superiori. All folios are found mounted in guards. Lightly cropped copy, with light handling and occasional stains. Some tears without lack of support, particularly in the folds of the engravings (and on the margin of f. O1). Ex-libris by Victor d’Avila Perez (not found in the auction catalogue held in 1940). Contemporarry binding, fully of rigid parchment, slightly worn and with some damage to the spine (recoverable). Amico's drawings were the first accurate images that reached the West, of some of the places of greatest religious significance in the Holy Land, namely the building of the Last Supper, the Way of the Cross and the Holy Sepulcher. Lieure (J. Callot), 306-352. Cicognara, 3932. Brunet, I, col. 231.