OSÓRIO, D. Jerónimo.- DE REBVS, | EMMANVELIS REGIS LV- | SITANIÆ INVICTISSIMI VIRTVTE | ET AVSPICIO | GESTIS LIBRI | DVODECIM. | Auctore Hieronymo Osorio | EPISCOPO SYLVENSI.- Olisypone: Apud Antonium Gondisaluü, 1571.- 480, [2] p.; 28 cm.- E., First edition of one of the most important works by the famous Bishop of Silves (1506-1580), whom Montaigne said was "le meilleur historien latin de nos siècles". The author says in the prologue that he read the “Chronicle of D. Manuel” by Damião de Góis "... with great work, vigilance and sagacity". The work describes all the notable feats that took place during Venturoso's reign, namely Vasco da Gama's journey, the discovery of Brazil, the events in India and Africa, all narrated with great historical accuracy. The copy, slightly cropped but very clean, includes, right after the title page, a portrait of the Count-Duke of Olivares (1587-1645) that does not belong to the edition, copperplate printed by the Catalan painter and engraver Ramon Olivet (1585/95-ca. 1658). Old ownership on the verso of the title page: De S. Antº de N, Sra. da Merceana. Ex-libris by Victor d’Avila Perez (lot no. 5502 from the auction held in 1940) 19th century binding, with leather spine, with some wear. Samodães, 2292. National Library (16th century), 560. Biblioteca de D. Manuel II, 329.