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474 Los(e)/Seite
Ein Abonnement der Preisliste ist notwendig um Ergebnisse, von Auktionen die vor einem längeren Zeitraum als 10 Tagen stattgefunden haben, ansehen zu können. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen
Britains set 83, Middlesex Yeomanry FIRST VERSION on 'donkey' and 'rocking' horses' with Officer on rearing horse with throat plume (Condition Goo...
Britains set 12, 11th Hussars SECOND VERSION on 'donkey' horses, Officer on rearing horses with throat plume (Condition Very Good) 1898 (5)
Britains set 13, 3rd Hussars SECOND VERSION on 'donkey' horses, Officer on rearing horses with throat plume (Condition Very Good) 1898 (5)
Britains from set 93, a near complete lower tray of Royal Horse Guards FIRST VERSION with four on 'rocking' horses with lances (two troopers missi...
Britains set 2, Royal Horse Guards THIRD VERSION fixed arm, tin swords with rearing Officer and four additional matching troopers (Condition Very ...
Britains set 99, 13th Hussars FIRST VERSION on 'pony' horses without prick ears, with Officer (Condition Very Good) 1899 (5)
Britains set 39, Royal Horse Artillery six horse gun team, collar harness, FIRST VERSION with shafted limber and gun with bucket seats, with four ...
Britains set 39, Royal Horse Artillery six horse gun team, collar harness, SECOND VERSION with centre pole limber and gun, four mounted Gunners da...
Britains set 144, Royal Field Artillery FIRST VERSION with six horse collar harness team, centre pole limber, gun with bucket seats, four seated G...
Britains set 317, RARE Royal Field Artillery at the halt light harness six horse team with limber and gun, two seated men and mounted Officer in o...
Britains set 145, Royal Army Medical Corps four horse Ambulance FIRST VERSION grey finish, collar harness with two seated men (Condition Very Good...
Britains set 146, Army Supply Corps two horse GS Wagon FIRST VERSION collar harness with two seated men (Condition Very Good) (5)
Britains set 146, Army Supply Corps two horse GS Wagon SECOND VERSION light harness with two seated men (Condition Very Good) (5)
Britains set 73 two-tier Display Box General Officer, Royal Horse Artillery FIRST VERSION six horse gun team, collar harness, with shafted limber...
Britains set 1448, Army Staff Car FIRST VERSION with Driver and Passenger, dark green finish, white rubber tyres in original illustrated box (Cond...
Britains set 1413, Mobile Police Car with Driver and Passenger, mid-green finish, white rubber tyres in original illustrated box (Condition Very ...
Britains set 1321, Crossley Armoured Car khaki finish, metal tyres in original box (Condition Good, box Good-Fair) (1)
Britains set 1413, Mobile Police Car with Driver and Passenger, light brown finish, white rubber tyres in original illustrated box (Condition Ver...
Britains set 166, Italian Infantry at the slope, SECOND VERSION, undated with Officer in original Whisstock box (Condition Excellent, box Very Goo...
Britains set 133, Russian Infantry marching at the trail, red cap bands, with Officer in original Whisstock box (Condition Very Good, one rifle sl...
Britains set 2087, 5th Dragoon Guards dismounted with Officer in original ROAN box (Condition Mint, box a little rubbed) 1954 (8)
Britains set 134, Japanese Infantry SECOND VERSION, undated, in original printer's decorated box (Condition Very Good-Good, box Good-Fair, top edg...
Britains set 39, Royal Horse Artillery six horse gun team, collar harness, FIRST VERSION with shafted limber and gun with bucket seats, with four ...
Renvoize RARE Royal Horse Artillery six horse collar harness gun team, Limber with two seated men, and Gun (Condition Very Good, possibly some ret...
Britains set 39, Royal Horse Artillery six horse gun team, collar harness, SECOND VERSION with centre pole limber and gun, khaki finish four mount...
Britains set 39, Royal Horse Artillery six horse gun team, collar harness, SECOND VERSION with centre pole limber and gun, grey finish, four mount...
Britains set 145, Royal Army Medical Corps four horse Ambulance FIRST VERSION grey finish, collar harness with two seated men (Condition Very Good...
Britains set 145, Royal Army Medical Corps four horse Ambulance FIRST VERSION khaki finish, collar harness with two seated men (Condition Very Goo...
Britains set 1450, Royal Army Medical Corps four horse Ambulance, service dress dark green finish, light harness team, with two seated men (Condit...
Britains set 39, Royal Horse Artillery six horse gun team, collar harness, FIRST VERSION with shafted limber and gun with bucket seats, with four ...
Britains set 39, Royal Horse Artillery six horse gun team, collar harness, SECOND VERSION with centre pole limber and gun, four mounted Gunners da...
Britains PARIS OFFICE French Infantry in steel helmets, horizin blue, Paris factory painting, five lying firing (one water bottle dented), five kn...
Britains PARIS OFFICE French Infantry in steel helmets, horizon blue, Paris factory painting, six kneeling firing, five RARE on guard (one rifle m...
Britains set 159, Territorial Yeomanry SECOND VERSION undated, with Officer (Condition Very Good) (5)
Britains set 144a, Royal Field Artillery, service dress FIRST VERSION six horse collar harness team, limber and gun with bucket seats, four seated...
Britains set 144a, Royal Field Artillery, service dress SECOND VERSION six horse collar harness team, limber and gun, two seated men and not match...
Britains set 1440, Royal Field Artillery, service dress with late pattern limber with mounted Officer (Condition Very Good) 1933 (9)
Britains set 39a, Royal Horse Artillery service dress FIRST VERSION collar harness, with four mounted Gunners and mounted Officer (Condition very ...
Britains set 39a, Royal Horse Artillery service dress SECOND VERSION light harness, with four mounted Gunners and mounted Officer (Condition very ...
Britains set 39, Royal Horse Artillery six horse gun team, collar harness, SECOND VERSION with centre pole limber and gun, four mounted Gunners da...
Britains from set 318, RARE Royal Artillery service dress at the halt with Officer (Condition Very Good, dismounted gunners missing) (9)
Britains set 1331, GS Limbered Wagon, service dress at walk dark green finish (Condition Very Good-Good) 1938 (4)
Britains set 96, York and Lancaster Regiment running at the trail, FIRST VERSION oval bases foreign service order, with Officer (Condition Good, o...
Britains set 96, York and Lancaster Regiment running at the trail, FIRST VERSION oval bases foreign service order, with Officer (Condition Good) 1...
Britains set 16, The Buffs, East Kent Regiment, RARE Boer War variation in khaki on guard with 'wasp waisted' Officer, 'pidgeon toed' Drummer and ...
Britains set 16, The Buffs, East Kent Regiment, RARE Boer War variation in khaki on guard with 'pidgeon toed' Drummer (Condition Good, two helmet ...
Britains set 109, Dublin Fusiliers marching at the trail FIRST VERSION smooth foreign service helmets with paper labels on oval bases dated Jan 20...
Britains set 26, Boer Infantry valise pack marching at the slope, clipped bayonets with Officer (Condition Very Good) 1899 (8)
Britains set 26, Boer Infantry valise pack marching at the slope, clipped bayonets without Officer (Condition Very Good) 1899 (8)
Britains set 38, South African Mounted Infantry with Officer with pistol (Condition Very Good-Good) 1902 (5)
Britains set 6, Boer Cavalry
Britains set 6, Boer Cavalry with Officer with pistol (Condition Good) 1899 (5)
Britains set 6, Boer Cavalry
Britains set 6, Boer Cavalry (Condition Good, officer missing) 1899 (4)
Britains set 108, 6th Dragoons in Boer War service dress FIRST VERSION dated 1.6.1900 one horse with white socks (Condition Very Good) 1900 (5)
Britains set 108, 6th Dragoons in Boer War service dress FIRST VERSION dated 1.6.1900 one horse with white socks (Condition Very Good) 1900 (5)
Britains set 108, 6th Dragoons in Boer War service dress FIRST VERSION dated 1.6.1900 one horse with white socks (Condition Very Good) 1900 (5)
Britains for CFE, Army Service Supply Column, Boer War roughly half the set issued by wholesaler CF Eckhardt in a commissioned from and supplied e...
Britains set 94, 21st Lancers in Omdurman foreign service dress FIRST VERSION on 'rocking' horses with Officer (Condition Very Good-Good) 1899 (5)
Britains set 94, 21st Lancers in Omdurman foreign service dress FIRST VERSION on 'rocking' horses with Officer (Condition Very Good-Good, one lanc...
Britains set 94, 21st Lancers in Omdurman foreign service dress SECOND VERSION with Trumpeter on one eared horses dated 1.1.1901 (Condition Good, ...
Britains set 96, York and Lancaster Regiment running at the trail, FIRST VERSION oval bases foreign service order, with Officer (Condition Good, s...

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