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22 Los(e)/Seite
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18th Cent. coffee set from Namur in black glazed earthenware and silver chips around the edges
18th Cent. coffee set from Namur in black glazed earthenware and silver chips around the edges Achttiende eeuwse Naamse vierdelige koffieset in aa...
series of six nice 18th Cent. plates in marked ceramic from Delft with a special blue-white decor
series of six nice 18th Cent. plates in marked ceramic from Delft with a special blue-white decor with a fruit picking womanSerie van zes mooie ac...
series of five nice 18th Cent. plates in ceramic from Delft with a blue-white decor with ducks in
series of five nice 18th Cent. plates in ceramic from Delft with a blue-white decor with ducks in a pondSerie van vijf mooie achttiende eeuwse bor...
pair of 18th Cent. pancake plates in ceramic from Delft with a blue-white flowers decor Paar
pair of 18th Cent. pancake plates in ceramic from Delft with a blue-white flowers decorPaar achttiende eeuwse pannenkoekenborden in faience van De...
set of four 18th Cent. Dutch plates in ceramic from Delft with blue-white decor Set van vier
set of four 18th Cent. Dutch plates in ceramic from Delft with blue-white decorSet van vier achttiende eeuwse borden in faïence van Delft met blau...
set of three 18th Cent. Dutch plates in ceramic from Delft with blue-white decor Serie van drie
set of three 18th Cent. Dutch plates in ceramic from Delft with blue-white decorSerie van drie achttiende eeuwse borden in faïence van Delft met b...
three 18th Cent. plates in ceramic from Delft with a blue-white decor Lot van drie achttiende eeuwse
three 18th Cent. plates in ceramic from Delft with a blue-white decor Lot van drie achttiende eeuwse borden in Delftse faïence met blauwwit decor ...
pair of 16th Cent. Spanish Renaissance style pharmaceutical jars in ceramic with a vegetal decor
pair of 16th Cent. Spanish Renaissance style pharmaceutical jars in ceramic with a vegetal decor in iridescent glazes one has a crack, one with re...
antique plaque in Dutch ceramic with a polychrome decor with an animated landscape restoredAntieke cartouchevormige plaket in Hollandse faïence me...
pair of 18th Cent. pancake plates in ceramic from Delft with a polychrome decor Paar achttiende
pair of 18th Cent. pancake plates in ceramic from Delft with a polychrome decorPaar achttiende eeuwse pannekoekenborden in faïence van Delft met p...
series of three 18th Cent. plates in ceramic from Delft with a polychrome decor Serie van drie
series of three 18th Cent. plates in ceramic from Delft with a polychrome decor Serie van drie achttiende eeuwse borden in faïence van Delft met e...
19th Cent. garniture in enameled ceramic and bronze with a clock with "Paris" marked workNegentiende eeuwse vijfdelige schouwgarnituur in geëmaill...
English dinner set (52 pcs) in "Spode - Copeland" marked ceramic some parts restored Vrij uitgebreid
English dinner set (52 pcs) in "Spode - Copeland" marked ceramic some parts restoredVrij uitgebreid (52 stuks) eetservies in faïence, gemerkt "Spo...
79 pcs English dinner- and coffee set in Grindley marked ceramic 79-delig eet- en koffieservies in
79 pcs English dinner- and coffee set in Grindley marked ceramic79-delig eet- en koffieservies in Engelse faïence, gemerkt "Grindley"
presumably Spanish ceramic vase with an "Iznik" decor Kruikvaas in allicht Spaanse faïence met "
presumably Spanish ceramic vase with an "Iznik" decorKruikvaas in allicht Spaanse faïence met "Iznik" decor - hoogte : 38 cm
INGELS DOMIEN (1881 - 1946) rare quite big, early 20th Cent. Belgian glazed ceramic planter - signed
INGELS DOMIEN (1881 - 1946) rare quite big, early 20th Cent. Belgian glazed ceramic planter - signed Domien Ingels INGELS DOMIEN (1881 - 1946) zel...
Müller frêres Lunéville signed Art Deco chandelier in bronze and pâte-de-verre MÜLLER frêres
Müller frêres Lunéville signed Art Deco chandelier in bronze and pâte-de-verreMÜLLER frêres LUNEVILLE FRÊRES LUNEVILLE Art Deco-luster met bronze...
Charles Catteau Art Deco-sculpture in BFK marked ceramic with the depiction of Joséphine Baker -
Charles Catteau Art Deco-sculpture in BFK marked ceramic with the depiction of Joséphine Baker - with his monogram restoration on the backside of ...
Charles Catteau signed Art Deco-sculpture in BFK marked ceramic CATTEAU CHARLES (1880 - 1966) Art
Charles Catteau signed Art Deco-sculpture in BFK marked ceramic CATTEAU CHARLES (1880 - 1966) Art Deco-sculptuur in faïence met lichtblauwe glazu...
J.G. Picard - Vallauris signed painting on ceramic tilesJ.G. PICARD VALLAURIS vintage tegeltableau (tien tegels) met een vogel op een tak - 76 x...
Fontinelle marked Art Deco sculpture in crackle ware ceramicFONTINELLE Art Deco-animaliersculptuur in faïence met craquelé-glazuur en typisch gest...
Drimmer marked vintage lamp in ceramic, glass and metal DRIMMER vintage lamp in faïence, glas en
Drimmer marked vintage lamp in ceramic, glass and metalDRIMMER vintage lamp in faïence, glas en gechromeerd metaal - hoogte : 44,5 cm gemerkt

22 Los(e)/Seite