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11 Los(e)/Seite
Ein Abonnement der Preisliste ist notwendig um Ergebnisse, von Auktionen die vor einem längeren Zeitraum als 10 Tagen stattgefunden haben, ansehen zu können. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen
Dutch lidded baroque style tea caddy in marked silver Nederlandse gedekselde theedoos op pootjes
Dutch lidded baroque style tea caddy in marked silverNederlandse gedekselde theedoos op pootjes in massief zilver, gemerkt "835", met barokke orna...
antique wax stamp set in George Nathan & Ridley Hayes signed and "Chester, 1898" marked silver -
antique wax stamp set in George Nathan & Ridley Hayes signed and "Chester, 1898" marked silver - in its case sold with a penholder in "Birmingham...
antique German set of six salts (with five spoons) in marked silver - in its original box Antieke
antique German set of six salts (with five spoons) in marked silver - in its original boxAntieke Duitse set van zes zoutvaatjes (en 5 lepeltjes) i...
pair of antique glass inkwells Paar antieke inktpotten in lichtgroen glas - hoogte : 13,5 cm
pair of antique glass inkwellsPaar antieke inktpotten in lichtgroen glas - hoogte : 13,5 cm
pair of fifties' book-ends in marble each with a typical Walter Bosse "cat" sculpture in bronze Paar
pair of fifties' book-ends in marble each with a typical Walter Bosse "cat" sculpture in bronzePaar fifties' boekensteunen in marmer telkens met e...
nice pair of Art Deco book-ends in partially chromed, partially black lacquered metal, each with a
nice pair of Art Deco book-ends in partially chromed, partially black lacquered metal, each with a deerMooi paar Art Deco-boekensteunen met een ap...
LAURENT CHARLES (1875 - ?) pair of Laurent Charles signed Art Deco book-ends in silverplated
LAURENT CHARLES (1875 - ?)pair of Laurent Charles signed Art Deco book-ends in silverplated metal, each with a sea lionLAURENT CHARLES (1875 - ?) ...
pair of Art Deco book-ends in marble and bronze Paar Art Deco-boekensteunen in marmer en brons met
pair of Art Deco book-ends in marble and bronzePaar Art Deco-boekensteunen in marmer en brons met groene patine, telkens met een geitje - hoogte...
pair of Art Deco book-ends in marble and silverplated metal, each with a bird Paar Art Deco-
pair of Art Deco book-ends in marble and silverplated metal, each with a birdPaar Art Deco-boekensteunen in marmer en verzilverd metaal telkens me...
pair of late Art Deco book-ends in wood each with a dog Paar late Art Deco-boekensteunen in hout
pair of late Art Deco book-ends in wood each with a dogPaar late Art Deco-boekensteunen in hout telkens met een hondje - hoogtes : 10,5 en 13 cm
pair of French "Chenin" signed Art Deco book-ends in marble and silverplated metal CHENIN paar
pair of French "Chenin" signed Art Deco book-ends in marble and silverplated metalCHENIN paar Franse Art Deco-boekensteunen in marmer telkens met ...

11 Los(e)/Seite