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766 Los(e)

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19th Cent. Napoleon III vase in porcelain from Paris with a finely painted romantic scene restoration near the top Negentiende eeuwse Napoleon III...

antique sculpture in porcelain on a wooden baseAntieke sculptuur in porselein met een kindje zittend op een hond - hoogte : 28 cm - op houten ...

pair of antique Sèvres vases in porcelain with J.Lascot signed paintings & with bronze mountingsPaar antieke vazen in Sèvres-porselein met beschil...

old "Reclining Odalisque" figure in marked biscuit-porcelainOude bibelot in gemerkte, gekleurde biscuit : "Liggende Odaliske" - breedte : 20 cm

small 19th Cent. clock with a bronze Cupid with a gilded clock on a marble baseKlein negentiende eeuws klokje met een bronzen amourtje dat een ged...

pair of 19th Cent. presumably French sculptures in bronze with cute depictions of childrenPaar negentiende eeuwse allicht Franse sculpturen in bro...

antique Clodion signed sculpture in bronze on a red marble baseCLODION (1738 - 1814) antieke sculptuur in brons : "Drie musicerende amourtjes" -...

PILET LÉON (1840 - 1916)antique French sculpture in bronze - signed Léon PiletPILET LÉON (1840 - 1916) antieke Franse sculptuur in brons met dubbe...

CARLIER ÉMILE (1849 - 1927)antique French quite big sculpture in bronze - signed Emile CarlierCARLIER ÉMILE (1849 - 1927) antieke vrij grote sculp...

MOREAU AUGUSTE (1834 - 1917)French sculpture in bronze - on a marble base - signed Auguste Moreau and with foundry markMOREAU AUGUSTE (1834 - 1917...

early 20th Cent. sculpture in marble - signed O. GuerrieriGUERRIERI O. sculptuur van de jaren '20 in marmer : "Buste van een jonge vrouw met sjaal...

quite imposing 19th Cent. Empire style clock with its case in gilded bronze with a "Alexandre the Great" sculpture - with a "Jouvant fils - Cie ...

pair of 19th Cent. Empire style candelabra in alabaster and gilded bronze Mooi paar negentiende eeuwse Empire-kandelaars in albast en gedoreerde b...

early 19th Cent. probably French Charles X period clock with its case in gilded bronze and with its work with rope hanging Vroeg negentiende eeuws...

nice pair of 19th Cent. candelabra in gilded bronze with female angels and sphynxes Mooi paar negentiende eeuwse kandelaars in gedoreerde brons, t...

pair of neoclassical candelabra in gilded bronze & a round mirror with an Empire style gilded bronze mounting (on feet)Lot (3) met een paar kandel...

pair of neoclassical candelabra in gilded bronze and white marble & a tazza in onyx and gilded bronzeLot (3) met een paar neoclassicistische kande...

antique Empire style demi-lune sideboard in mahogany with four pillars and with typical mountings in bronzeAntiek Empire-dressoir met elegant dem...

antique Empire style bed in polychromed wood with a neoclassical decor (can be used as a sofa)Antiek Empire-bed in gepolychromeerd hout met neocla...

antique Empire "Retour d'Egypte" style set of two chairs and a sofa with mountings in gilded bronzeAntieke driedelig "Empire" - ensemble in 'Retou...

19th Cent. neoclassical Biedermeier sofa table in burr of walnut with a central ebonized pilarNegentiende eeuwse neoclassicistische Biedermeier-kl...

completely original mid 19th Cent. French baroque style Napoleon III cabinet in ebony and marquetry FRANKRIJK - ca 1850 volledig origineel Napol...

19th Cent. French neoclassical cabinet in marquetry with mountings in brass and bronze and its original marble topFRANKRIJK - 19° EEUW neoclassici...

nice late 19th Cent. neoclassical writing table/desk in rose-wood and mahogany with mountings in gilded bronzeFraai laat negentiende eeuws neoclas...

antique neoclassical display cabinet in mahogany with very nice mountings in gilded bronze - with a door and what-notsRank antiek neoclassicistisc...

'antique' neoclassical chess table with an antique 32 pcs Chinese chess game in ivory with CITES certificate chess pieces have damages due to usag...

pair of neoclassical style armchairs in gilded woodPaar armstoelen in neoclassicistische stijl in gedoreerd hout met vernieuwde bekleding - 101 ...

neoclassical demi-lune console in gilded wood with a marble topMooie neoclassicistische halvemaanconsole in gedoreerd hout met typische ornamentie...

series of four antique neoclassical chairs in gilded woodReeks van vier antieke neoclassicistische (salon) stoeltjes in gedoreerd hout - 88 x 43...

antique neoclassical occasional table in mahoganyAntiek neoclassicistisch bijzettafeltje in acajou met rond blad op drie gebogen poten - 68 x 35...

neoclassical style chandelier in partially gilded bronze with four winged busts of a womanLuster in neoclassicistische stijl in deels gedoreerde b...

chandelier in bronze and crystal-glassPrachtige, vrij grote luster in brons met grote plaketten in deels gekleurd kristal - hoogte : ca 125 cm

nice antique presumably French Charles X chandelier in partially gilded bronzeMooie antieke, allicht Franse, luster in Charles X-stijl gerealiseer...

two 19th Cent. Belgian oil on panel - signed L. EggericksEGGERICKS L. (België - 19° EEUW) twee olieverfschilderijen op paneel telkens met een stil...

BLES DAVID JOSEPH (1821 - 1899)19th Cent. oil on panel (in mahogany) to be dated around 1860 and attributed to David Joseph BlesBLES DAVID JOSEPH ...

WILLEMS LOUIS (1820 - 1899)19th Cent. Belgian oil on panel - signed Louis WillemsWILLEMS LOUIS (1820 - 1899) olieverfschilderij op paneel met een ...

LUNA JUAN (1857 - 1899)19th Cent. Juan Luna (Philippine School) signed oil on canvas with a typical portrait of a Roman boyLUNA JUAN (1857 - 1899)...

AZBE ANTON (1862 - 1905)19th Cent. Slovenian oil on canvas- with an indistinctly signature Azbe (see image with the signature overlay) / attribute...

18th/19th Cent. Italian pastel on board with a portrait of the castrato singer Farinelli with an elaborate (restored) baroque style frameITALIË -...

KLEVER YULIY YULEVICH (1850 - 1924)19th/20th Cent. Russian Yuliy Y. Klever oil on canvas - signed prov : auction Christies' (label on the back)KLE...

KLEVER YULIY YULEVICH (1850 - 1924)pair of very rare Yuliy Yulevich Klever signed and 1906 dated prints in colors - with an inscription : "Profess...

ALEXANDER DOUGLAS (1871 - 1945)19th/20th Cent. Irish oil on paper (on board) - signed Douglas AlexanderALEXANDER DOUGLAS (1871 - 1945) (IRL) oliev...

KUWASSEG KARL JOSEF (1802 - 1877)19th Cent. oil on canvas - signed Karl Josef KuwassegKUWASSEG KARL JOSEF (1802 - 1877) olieverfschilderij op doek...

WOUTERS AUGUSTINUS JACOBUS BERNARDUS (1829 - 1904)19th Cent. Dutch oil on canvas - signed Augustinus J. B. WoutersWOUTERS AUGUSTINUS JACOBUS BERNA...

FERGOLA FRANCISCO I (1801 - 1874)19th Cent. Italian oil on canvas - signed Francisco I FergolaFERGOLA FRANCISCO I (1801 - 1874) (IT) olieverfschil...

HANSEN CARL LODEWYK (1765 - 1840)19th Cent. oil on panel - signed Carl Lodewyk HansenHANSEN CARL LODEWYK (1765 - 1840) (NL) olieverfschilderij op ...

WYTINCK JULES (1843 - 1911)19th Cent. Belgian oil on canvas - signed Jules WytinckWYTINCK JULES (1843 - 1911) olieverfschilderij op doek : "Landsc...

SAUVAGE ARSÈNE SYMPHORIEN (19° EEUW)19th Cent. French oil on panel - signed Arsène S. SauvageSAUVAGE ARSÈNE SYMPHORIEN (19° EEUW) olieverfschilder...

DE VOGEL CORNELIS JOHANNES (1824 - 1879)19th Cent. Dutch oil on panel - signed Cornelis Johannes de VogelDE VOGEL CORNELIS JOHANNES (1824 - 1879) ...

19th Cent. oil on panel - signed ArtzARTZ negentiende eeuws olieverfschilderij op paneel : "Familie rond een tafel" - 19 x 23,5 getekend

BLOMMERS BERNARDUS JOHANNES (1845 - 1914)19th Cent. Dutch oil on canvas - signed Bernardus Johannes BlommersBLOMMERS BERNARDUS JOHANNES (1845 - 19...

NETSCHER CONSTANTIN (1668 - 1723)17th/18th Cent. oil on panel - signed Constantin NetscherNETSCHER CONSTANTIN (1668 - 1723) olieverfschilderij op ...

DE BRAEKELEER HENRI (1840 - 1888)19th Cent. Belgian pencil drawing by Henri De Braekeleer with annotation by his sonDE BRAEKELEER HENRI (1840 - 18...

two 19th Cent. oil on canvas with female family portraitsLot van twee negentiende eeuwse olieverfschilderijen op doek met familieportretten - ...

  • 766 Los(e)

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