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Ein Abonnement der Preisliste ist notwendig um Ergebnisse, von Auktionen die vor einem längeren Zeitraum als 10 Tagen stattgefunden haben, ansehen zu können. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen

Persian Miniatures - Book with 10 miniatures by Mughal artist - 19th.C. / Description: Book illuminated with ten courtly scenes from the Mughal...

Persian Miniature: Mogul Ruler / Description: Fine miniature painting of a Mogul ruler on a green field with flowers, clouds above. On a larger...

Persian miniature / Description: Fine miniature painting of a Mogul ruler on a green field with flowers, clouds above. On a larger sheet of 24,...

Manuscript on parchment - Circa 1280 / Description: 13th century's parchment sheet from a Parisian Bible or Book of Hours, ca. 1280. Handwritte...

Manuscript leaf with large miniature - David's Psalm - C.1450 / Description: Illuminated manuscript - First Psalm of the Latin Vulgate Bible. '...

Master of the Echevinage of Rouen - Eight Miniatures in a Shrine - C.1457-80 / Description: Mounted in a 17th century's wooden shrine, folding ...

15th.C. Illuminated Leaf From Bruges Book Of Hours / Description: Leaf from a mid 15th century's Book of Hours of Bruges. 18-line text in one c...

15th.C. Illuminated Vellum Leaf From Book Of Hours / Description: Illuminated leaf from a book of hours by a Paris workshop. Twelve illuminated...

Christ on the cross - Metal cut, Gregorian Score backside vellum - ca. 1520-1550 / Description: Metal cut printed on vellum with Crucifixion. J...

Monogrammist DS - Allegory of Astronomy - 1508 / Description: Allegory of Astronomy, Claudius Ptolemy (AD c100-170) being guided by the muse As...

Incunable leaf from Ptolemy's Geographia - Silk Road, Turkmenistan - 1482 / Description: Incunable Leaf. A single large folio printed leaf fro...

Dutch Incunabula - Werner Rolevinck - Utrecht 1480 / Description: Incunabula sheet with handpainted rubrifications and initials in red. Sheet ...

Dutch Incunabula - Werner Rolevinck, The Ark of Noah - 1480 / Description: Incunabula sheet with hand painted rubrifications and initials in r...

Building of the Ark of Covenant - Koberger Bible, 1483 / Description: Early incunabula folio sheet dating from 1483 (!) with large old colour...

Joshua with the Ark - Koberger Bible, 1483 / Description: Early incunabula folio sheet dating from 1483 (!) with large old coloured woodcut f...

S.John with the Holy Trinity - Koberger Bible, 1483 / Description: Early incunabula folio sheet dating from 1483 (!) with large old coloured w...

Master of the Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand, follower - Christ before Herod - C. 1470-1490 / Description: Christ before Herod; the king sits on...

Master of the Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand, follower - Supper at Emmaus - C. 1470-1490 / Description: Christ invited by two of his apostles to...

Master of Delft (1480-1498 Act) - Christ healts the centurions servant. Falcony / Description: Christ heals the servant of the centurion of Cap...

Master of Delft (1480-1498 Act) -The Transfiguration of Christ / Description: Christ in the halo. At his right hand Moses with the tables of st...

Mer des Histoires - Les Roi de France - 1488 / Description: A scarce original French incunabula - finely printed leaf with almost full page old...

Bertold Rembolt (Act. 1494-1518) - Pope Clement V in audience / Description: Clement V (1264-1314), enthroned, a book on his lap, and a man kne...

The angel appearing to the shepherds; Eustace Guillaume. / Description: The angel appearing to the shepherds, metal cut gouached and gold heigh...

French Miniature 15thC. - King David / Description: Paris workshop end 15th early 16th century. Miniature of King David in prayer in an oval. ...

Ortus Sanitas - Fabulous fish - 1491 / Description: Incunabula leaf from the first natural history encyclopaedia dealing with pants 'and' anima...

Sebastiaen Munster, Sea monsters, 1570. / Description: Rare woodcut with sea monsters, thought to be lived in the 16th century in the North Atl...

The Medicine of Medea, 1497-1501, Anonymous master of the Ovid edition, Christofolo de Pensa (or: De Pènsis), Lucantonio Giunti (also: Giunta, Zon...

Master of Antwerp (1485-1491), Attr - The calling of Mattheus / Description: This is an old colored incunabula woodcut from an early edition of...

Legenda Aurea - S. Marcellino, S. Vitalis - Koberger 1488 / Description: Folio incunabula sheet from: JACOBUS DE VORAGINE Leben der Heiligen: W...

Legenda Aurea - Saint Felix - Koberger 1488 / Description: Folio incunabula sheet from: JACOBUS DE VORAGINE Leben der Heiligen: Winterteil und ...

Legenda Aurea - Saint Anastasia - Koberger 1488 / Description: Folio incunabula sheet from: JACOBUS DE VORAGINE Leben der Heiligen: Winterteil ...

Legenda Aurea - Saint Anthonio - Koberger 1488 / Description: Folio incunabula sheet from: JACOBUS DE VORAGINE Leben der Heiligen: Winterteil u...

Claes De Grave - Joseph thrown in the Pit - Antwerp, 1516 / Description: Post Incunabula sheet. Woodcut showing Joseph being lowered into the p...

Claes De Grave -Balaam on his donkey - Antwerp, 1516 / Description: Post Incunabula sheet. Woodcut showing Balaam beating his Donkey. This Woo...

Claes De Grave - David playing the Harp - Antwerp, 1516 / Description: Post Incunabula sheet. Woodcut showing David bringing the Ark into Zion;...

Claes De Grave - Blessing of Samuel, Falcony - Antwerp, 1516 / Description: Post Incunabula sheet. This Woodcut published in Antwerp bij Claes ...

Mer des Histoires - History of David - 16thC. / Description: David escapes through a window, David wit the head of Goliath. 'Full page of an ed...

Thielman I Kerver (fl. 1497-1522) - Book of Hours, Calendar page - 1499 / Description: Lovely page from a book of hours on vellum dating from j...

Thielman I Kerver (fl. 1497-1522) - Dance of Death - 1499 / Description: This illumination combines two thems of the office of death, on top we...

ThielmanI Kerver (fl. 1497-1522) - Book of Hours page on vellum, heightened in gold - 1499 / Description: Lovely page from a book of hours on v...

Digestes - Roman Law - 1551 / Description: ?Lyon, Hugues de La Porte & Antoine Vincent, 1551; Already present in the publication by Francois Fr...

Andrea Alciati - Greek Law , The ruler and his advisors / Description: This is a large folio second title page ( 42,50 x 28,00 cm) from the wor...

Hans Springinklee (1490-1527) - The Nativity / Description: Rare and early Nativity scene by Hans Spring, famous painter and designer of woodcu...

Hans Weiditz, The birth of Christ. / Description: The Birth of Christ, woodcut in the region of Hans Weiditz (1500-1536) ca 1522-1523. Publishe...

Hans Wechtlin, Anonymous, Ecce Homo, Pilate washing his hands. / Description: Two woodcuts:Ecce Homo, Pilate washing his hands. Made by Hans We...

Satirical print: Lansquenet and Baggage train boy, Hans Weiditz, 1521. / Description: Satirical print: Two German soldiers: "Landsknecht and Tr...

Heinrich Aldegrever (1501-1555) - The Pillars of Hercules - 1550 / Description: The Labours of Hercules: The Pillars of Hercules; carrying them...

Heinrich Aldegrever - The Large Wedding Dancers / Description: The torch bearers; both figures looking to left. Signed with monogram and dated...

Heinrich Aldegrever - Lot and his family freeing from Sodom / Description: Lot and his family freeing from Sodom; Lot guided by the angel at le...

Virgil Solis (1514-1562) - Christ with Apostles / Description: Two scenes from Christ with two apostles, numbered, titled and signed in the pla...

Virgil Solis - Frieze with owls and other birds / Description: Frieze with nine owls, eight other birds and an insect. This print, signed VS in...

Hans Sebald Beham -Battle between Greeks and Trojans / Description: Miniature engraving by Sebald beham : Battle between the Greeks and Trojans...

Hans Sebald Beham (1500-1550) - Prodigal Son Wastes His Fortune / Description: The Prodigal Son wastes his Fortune small master engraving made ...

Hans Sebald Beham - Hercules killing Nessus - 1542 / Description: Splendid impression of one of the Labours of Hercules: Hercules killing Nessu...

Hans Sebald Beham - The Justice of Trajan - 1537 / Description: The justice of Trajan; The son of a widow was slain by a soldier of the emperor...

Hans Sebald Beham - Coat of arms of Hector Pömer- 1525 / Description: Interesting woodcut, formerly attributed to Albrecht Dürer, showing the C...

Circle of Beham - 16thC. pen drawing of a coat of arms with winged helmet / Description: This high quality drawing from a German artist from t...

Georg Pencz - The battle of Cartagena - 1539 / Description: Probably the largest print made by Georg Pencz who was known as one of the small m...

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