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SENECA. Tutte le opere. Dialoghi, trattati, lettere e opere in poesia. A cura di G. Reale. (2000). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- M. v. HOUTE. Seneca's Th...

SEXTUS EMPIRICUS. Against the Grammarians (Adversus Mathematicos I). Transl. w. an introd. & comm. by D.L. Blank. 1998. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- Id....

SIMPLICIUS. Commentaire sur le Manuel d'Épictète. Introd. et éd. crit. du texte Grec. p. I. Hadot. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. On Aristotle's Physics...

SOPHOCLES. Plays & fragments. W. crit. notes, comm. & transl. in Engl. prose by R.C. Jebb. 2nd-3rd ed. Cambridge, 1907-1932. 7 vols. Ocl. - Fine...

SPEUSIPPUS. Frammenti. Ed., trad. e comm. a cura di M.I. Parente. (1980). Ocl. w. (a bit torn) dust-j. -- L. TARÁN. Speusippus of Athens. A crit...

STOICS -- NICKEL, R., (Hrsg.). Stoa und Stoiker. Auswahl der Fragmente und Zeugnisse. Gr.-Lat.-Deutsch. (2008). 2 vols. Obrds. w. dust-j. (Tuscu...

SUETONIUS. De grammaticis et rhetoribus. Ed. w. a transl., introd. & comm. by R.A. Kaster. 1995. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- Id. Praeter Caesarum libro...

TACITUS. Annals. Ed. w. introd. & notes by H. Furneaux. 2nd ed. (1968). 2 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Spines a bit stained/browned). -- G.E.F. CHILVE...

TELES. Reliquiae. Rec. prolegomena scripsit O. Hense. Ed. 2a. 1909. Hcl. -- Id. Les diatribes. Introd., texte revu, trad. & comm. p. P.P. Fuente...

THEOCRITUS. Ed. w. a transl. & comm. by A.S.F. Gow. (2nd ed.) Cambr., (1973). 2 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Spines slightly browned, w. stamps). -- B...

THEOCRITUS. Ed. w. a transl. & comm. by A.S.F. Gow. Cambr., 1950. 2 vols. W. 15 plates. Ocl. -- HERODAS. The mimes & fragments. W. notes by W. H...

THEOPHRASTUS. De odoribus. Edition, Übers., Komm. v. U. Eigler & G. Wöhrle. 1993. Ocl. -- Id. The characters. Ed. by R.G. Ussher. 1960. Ocl. -- ...

THEOPHRASTUS. Metaphysics. W. introd., transl. & comm. by M. v. Raalte. 1993. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Mnemosyne. Suppl., 125). -- Id. Métaphysique. (Éd...

THEOPHRASTUS. On sweat, dizziness and on fatigue. Ed. W.W. Fortenbaugh, (a.o.). 2003. - Id. On weather signs. Ed. D. Sider & C.W. Brunschön. 200...

THEOPHRASTUS. Opera, quae supersunt, omnia. Græca rec., lat. interpret. est F. Wimmer. 1866. Lge-8°. Mod. cl. (Didot). -- LUCIANUS. Opera. Rec. ...

THEOPHRASTUS -- FORTENBAUCH, W.W., R.W. SHARPLES, (a.o.), ed. & transl. Sources for his life, writings, thought & influence. 2 vols. W. comm.-vo...

THUCYDIDES. Erkl. v. J. Classen. 3.-7. Aufl. bearb. v. J. Steup. 1892-1967. 8 vols. (O)cl. (3 in reprint). -- Id. Historiae. (Ed.). J.S. Jones &...

THUCYDIDES -- GOMME, A.W., A. ANDREWS & K.J. DOVER. A historical commentary on Thucydides. Oxford, (1969-81). 5 vols. W. maps. Or. binds. w. dus...

TZIATZI-PAPAGIANNI, M. Die Sprüche der sieben Weisen. Zwei byzantinische Sammlungen. Einl., Text, Testimonien und Komm. 1994. Ocl. -- D. GUTAS. ...

VERGILIUS. Aeneidos I-VI. W. a comm. by R.G. Austin, R.D. Williams & F. Fletcher. (1965)-71. 6 vols. Ocl. (5) w. dust-j. -- Id. Aeneid VII-VIII....

VERGILIUS. Aeneidos. W. a comm. by R.G. Austin, R.D. Williams. Vol. 2, 4-6. (1973-77). 4 (of 6 vols.). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. Opera. Rec. brev. ...

VITRUVIUS. De architectura. A cura di P. Gros. Trad. e comm. di A. Corso e E. Romano. (1997). 2 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. In slipcase. -- P. HOWELL....

XENOPHON. Mémorables. Texte établi p. M. Bandini & trad. p. L.-A. Dorion. 2000-11. 2 in 3 vols. Owrps. (2) & obrds. (Col. Budé). -- B. HUSS. Xen...

ZENOBIUS. Zenobii Athoi proverbia. Vulgari ceteraque memoria aucta ed. & enarravit W. Bühler. Vol. 1, 4, 5 (all published). 1982-99. 3 vols. Ocl...

CORPUS DEI PAPIRI FILOSOFICI Greci e Latini (CPF). Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina. Pt. I.1*, I.1**, I.1*** (2 vols.), II.1...

CRÖNERT, W. Memoria Graeca Herculanensis. 1963. Ocl. -- R. MEIGGS & D. LEWIS, eds. A selection of Greek historical inscriptions to the end of th...

OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, The. Ed. w. transl. and notes by B.P. Grenfell, A.S. Hunt, C.H. Roberts, (a.o.). Vols. I-XXII. Lond., Egypt Exploration Fund...

WORP, K.A. & A. RIJKSBARON, eds. The Kellis Isocrates Codex (P. Kell. III Gr. 95). 1997. 4°. Obrds. -- G. SANDERS. Licht en duisternis in de chr...

ADKINS, A.W.H. Merit and responsibility. A study in Greek values. 1960. Ocl. -- H. BOLKESTEIN. Wohltätigkeit & Armenpflege im vorchristlichen Al...

CAMBRIDGE ANCIENT HISTORY, THE. Ed. by I.E.S. Edwards, G.J. Gadd, (a.o.). Vol. I,1-2, II,1-2, III,1&3. (1970-82). 6 vols. of the series. W. num....

CAMBRIDGE ANCIENT HISTORY, THE. Ed. by J.B. Bury, S.A. Cook, F.E. Adcock, (a.o.). Vol. 1-12 & plate vol. 1,2,3,5. Cambr., 1923-39. 16 (of 17) vo...

OSTROGORSKY, G. Geschichte des byzantinischen Staates. München, 1940. W. 6 cold. loose maps. Ocl. (HbAtw). -- R. PFEIFFER. History of classical ...

SCHOFIELD, M. Saving the city. Philosopher-kings and other classical paradigms. (1999). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- R. MEIGGS. The Athenian empire. (19...

SYME, R. Roman papers. Ed. by E. Badian. 1979. 2 vols. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- K. BRINGMANN & Th. SCHÄFER. Augustus und die Begründung des röm. Kai...

TALBERT, R.J.A., (ed.). Barrington atlas of the Greek and Roman world. Princeton, 2000. xxviii pp., 102 mostly double-p. maps and index. Lge-fol...

MAZAL, O. Der Wiener Dioskurides. Codex medicus graecus 1 der Österreichischen Nationalbibl. (1998). 2 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. In or. slipcases. (...

NUTTON, V. From Democedes to Harvey: Studies in the history of medicine. (Repr. ed.); 1988. Ocl. -- G. CAMBIANO. Figure, macchine, sogni. Saggi ...

THOMSON, M.H. Textes grecs inédites relatifs aux plantes. 1955. Hcl. -- H. FLASHAR & J. JOUANNA, éd. Médecine et morale dans l'antiquité. 1996. ...

AION. Annali dell'Università degli studi di Napoli "l'Orientale". Dipartimento di Studi del Mondo Classico e del Mediterraneo Antico Sezione Fil...

BAERTSCHI, A.M. & C.G. KING, Hrsg. Die modernen Väter der Antike. Die Entwicklung der Altertumswissenschaften an Akademie und Universität im Ber...

CALDER III, W.M., ed. Further letters of U. v. Wilamowitz-Moellendorff. (1994). -- Id., (a.o.), ed. "Sed serviendum officio" The correspondence ...

CALDER III, W.M., ed. Studies in the modern history of classical scholarship. (1984). Owrps. -- Id. & A. DEMANDT, Hrsg. Eduard Meyer, Leben und ...

CALDER III, W.M., ed. The Cambridge ritualists reconsidered. - Werner Jaeger reconsidered. - Proceedings of the First (& Second) Oldfather Confe...

CAMBIANO, G., (e.a.), eds. Lo spazio letterario della Grecia Antica. Vol. I: la produzione e la circolazione del testo. Tom. 1: La Polis; Tom. 2...

DENNISTON, J.D. The Greek particles. 2nd ed. (1966). Ocl. -- J. HUMBERT. Syntaxe grecque. 1960. Owrps. -- J. VENDRYES. Traité d'accentuation gre...

JEREMIAH, E.T. The emergence of reflexivity in Greek language and thought. From Homer to Plato and beyond. 2012. Obrds. (PA, 129). -- R.A. KASTE...

KRETSCHMER, P. & E. LOCKER. Rückläufiges Wörterbuch der griech. Sprache. 3. Aufl. 1977. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- R. KÜHNER & B. GERTH. Ausführl. Gramm...

LANDFESTER, M., Hrsg. Geschichte der antiken Texte. Werklexikon. - P. KUHLMANN & H. SCHNEIDER, Hrsg. Geschichte der Altertumswissenschaften. Bio...

MARTIN, J. Antike Rhetorik. Technik und Methode. 1974. Lge-8°. Ocl. w. dust-j. (HbAtw). -- R. VOLKMANN. Die Rhetorik der Griechen und Römer. (Na...

MOMMSEN, Th. & U. v. WILAMOWITZ-MOELLENDORFF. "Aus dem Freund ein Sohn". Briefwechsel 1872-1903. Hrsg. & komm. v. W.M. Calder III & R. Kirstein....

MÜLKE, M. Der Author und sein Text. Die Verfälschung des Originals im Urteil antiker Autoren. (2008). Ocl. -- S. HORNBLOWER, ed. Greek historiog...

NESSELRATH, H.-G., Hrsg. Einleitung in die griech. Philologie. - F. GRAF, Hrsg. Einleitung in die lateinische Philologie. - Stuttg./Lpz., 1997. ...

REFERENCE WORKS -- BRILL'S NEW PAULY. Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World. Ed. by H. Cancik & H. Scheider. Engl. ed. C.F. Salazar. (&) Historical...

RIBBECK, O. Friedrich Wilhelm Ritschl, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Philologie. 1879-81. 2 in 1 vol. Cont. h. mor. (Small stamp on ti.). -- D....

WEGE DER FORSCHUNG. Darmstadt, W.B., 1965-89. 24 vols. of the series (incl. 2 duplicates). Ocl. I.a.: RUDOLPH, K., Hrsg. Gnosis und Gnostizismus...

WEST, M.L. The East face of Helicon. West Asiatic elements in Greek poetry and myth. (1999). Owrps. -- J. ALSINA. De Homero a Elitis. 1989. Owrp...

WILAMOWITZ-MOELLENDORFF, U. v. & P. FRIEDLÄNDER. 'The Wilamowitz in me'. 100 letters (1904-31). Ed. by W. Calder III & B. Huss. 1999. Ocl. -- U....

BUXTON, R. ed. From myth to reason? Studies in the development of Greek thought. (1999). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- D. FURLEY. Cosmic problems. Essays...

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