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Ein Abonnement der Preisliste ist notwendig um Ergebnisse, von Auktionen die vor einem längeren Zeitraum als 10 Tagen stattgefunden haben, ansehen zu können. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen

SANDBERG, W. Vijftien tekens. Fifteen signs. Hilv., Steendrukkerij De Jong, (1972). W. title-leaf & 15 plates after design by W. Sandberg. Fol. In...

SOURGET, LIBRAIRIE. Livres précieux & manuscrits. Catalogue n° 21-23, 28-35, 38. Paris, 2000-07. Tog. 12 vols. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. (7) and owrps. ...

SPOELDER, J. Prijsboeken op de Latijnse school. 2000. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- J. LANDWEHR. Emblem and fable books printed in the Low Countries, 1542-18...

SWIERS, J. Vogelslag. Een fonetisch vocabularium van lied, roep en zang van vogels. 's-Grav., Althaæ Pers, 2004. W. ill. by J. Breuker. 8°-obl. Oc...

VALKEMA BLOUW, P. Typographia Batava 1541-1600. In ordinem digessit A.C. Schuytvlot. Repertorium van boeken gedrukt in Nederland tussen 1541 en 16...

VLAANDEREN, A. Het letterteekenen. (1933). 1 vol. of text & 1 vol. of plates in portfol. -- LETTERPROEF N.V. Lettergieterij en machinehandel voorh...

BBK -- COLLECTION of c. 20 letters on paper (often consisting of multiple sheets), all from the period 1965-1967, written in pen or typed by Piet ...

INDIA -- LETTER of appointment for Henry Ballantine as American consul of Bombay. Preprinted document on paper, supplemented with legible handwrit...

LEIDEN -- 'BODEBOEKJE'. Notebook for the first 26 weeks of 18?? containing i.a. names, addresses and registration numbers of Leiden citizens, prob...

LEIDEN UNIVERSITY -- DOCTORATE DEGREE for Theodorus Helmans, December 4th 1722. Ms. on vellum. 355 x 560 mm. Signed by Hermannus Oosterdijk Schach...

LIBER AMICORUM -- ALBUM AMICORUM Cornelis Johan de Lange, anno 1772. W. c. 30 contributions in ms. and 2 watercolour drawings. Sm-8°-obl. Bound in...

RECEUIL de toutes les Prières de l'Écriture Sainte Rangées dans le même ordre qu'elles se trouvent dans l'Ancien et le Nouveau Testament". Paris, ...

ARISTOTELES -- THOMAS AQUINAS. Divi Thome Aquinatis in libru[m] de a[n]i[m]a Aristotelis expositio magistri Dominici de flandria ordinis predicato...

FICINO, M. De triplici vita libri tres. Primus de uita sana: sive de cura ualitudinis eorum: qui incumbunt studio literrarum. Secundus de uita lon...

PICUS DE MIRANDULA, J. Opera. (Ed. J.F. Picus Mirandulanus). (Vol. 1 only). Bologna, Benedictus Hectoris (Faelli), 20 March 1496. 1 of 2 vols. (17...

ACHILLES TATIUS. Les amours de Clitophon et Leucippe. Par., O. de l'Huillier, 1568. (4), 146 (=147) lvs. W. woodcut printer's mark on ti., woodcut...

AMBROSIUS. Opera, ad manuscriptos codices Vaticanos, Gallicanos, Belgicos, &c. nec-non ad editiones veteres emendata. Studio et labore monachorum ...

AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS. Rerum gestarum qui de XXXI. supersunt, ll. XVIII. Ex Bibl. Fr. Lindenbrogi. Hamburg, Ex Bibliopolio Frobeniano, 1609. 2 part...

APULEIUS. Metamorphoseos ll. IX. Cum notis & ampliss. indice J. Pricaei. Gouda, G. v.d. Hoeve, 1650. (4), 262, blank, 758, (72) pp. W. engr. ti. &...

ARISTOTELES. Politicorum ll. VIII. Cum perpetua D. Heinsii in omnes libros paraphrasi. Acced. accur. rerum index. Leyden, Ex Off. Elzeviriana, 162...

AUGUSTINUS. XXII. boecken van de stadt Gods, begrijpende de beginselen en voortgang der zelver, (…). (Vert. d. J. Fenacolius). Amst., J. Hartgers,...

AUGUSTINUS. XXII boecken van de stadt Gods, begrypende de beginselen en voortgangh der selver (…) (Uijt den Latijne verduijtst d. J. Fenacolius). ...

BOETHIUS. De consolatione philosophiae ll. V. Ioh. Bernartius rec., & comm. illustr. Antw., Ex Off. Plantiniana, J. Moretus, 1607. (16), 394, (6) ...

BONNOT DE MABLY, G. Observations sur l'histoire de la Grece ou des causes de la prospérité et des malheurs des Grecs. Geneve, Compagnie des Librai...

CICERO. The treatise of Cicero. De Officiie=s; or, his essay on moral duty. Transl., and accomp. w. notes and observ. by W. M'Cartney. Edinburgh, ...

CLEMENS I. Tou en hagios patros hemon kai hieromartyros Klementos pros Korinthious Epistole / S. patrus & martyris Clementis ad Corinthios epistol...

FRONTINUS. Quæ extant. R. Keuchenius, notis & emend. illustr. Amst., ex off. J. à Waesberge, 1661. (Printed by P. v.d. Houte at Harderwijk). (32),...

HESIODUS. The works. Transl. from the Greek by mr. Cooke. Lond., N. Blandford for T. Green, 1728. 2 vols. 260; 203 pp. W. 2 diff. engr. fronts. 4°...

PALAEPHATUS. Peri apistôn. De incredibilibus. C. Tollius in Lat. sermonem vertit & notis illustravit. Amst., L. Elzevier, 1649. (36), 253, (9) pp....

PANVINIUS, O. Reipublicæ Romanæ commentariorum ll. III. Par., E. & N. Gilles, 1588. 5 parts in 1 vol. (16), 298, (66); 82, (6); 379, (19); 305, (2...

PETRONIUS. Satyricon quae supersunt. Cum integris comment. & notis N. Heinsii & G. Goesii nunc primum ed. Acced. Jani Dousae praecidanea, J.A. Gon...

PLATO. Omnia opera tralatione Marsilii Ficini, emend. et ad Graecum codicem collatione S. Grynæi (…). Basel, H. Froben, 1551. (12), 952, (48) pp. ...

POMPONIUS MELA -- (GRONOVIUS, Abraham [attrib.]. Anonymi dictata in Pomponium Melam. Saec. XVIII). 140 lvs. with manuscript on both sides. 4°. 18t...

QUINTILIANUS. De institutione oratoria ll. XII. Collatione Cod. Gothani et Iensonianae ed. aliorumque librorum ac perpetuo comm. ill. a I.M. Gesne...

ROME -- DESSEINE, F. Beschryving van oud en nieuw Rome. Uit het Fransch en Latyn vert. (d. W. v. R(anouw)). (Vol. 1 only). Amst., F. Halma, 1704. ...

SENECA. Opera omnia. Ed. J. Lipsius, J.F. Gronovius & A. Schottus. Leyden, Apud Elzevirios/Ex Off. Elseviriana, 1649. 3 vols. (24), 552; 718; 442,...

SENECA & PUBLIUS SYRUS. Singulares sententiae. Studio & opera J. Gruteri. Acced. ejusdem notæ postumæ; ut & nova versio Græca J. Scaligeri. Leyden...

SIBYLLINA ORACULA ex vett. codd. aucta, renovata, et notis illustrata a Joh. Opsopaeo Brettano. Cum interpretatione Latina Seb. Castalionis et ind...

SIDONIUS APOLLINARIS, G.S. Opera. (Ed. J. de Wouweren). Lyon, J. Pillehotte, 1598. (28), 352, 156, (4) pp. Cont. vellum w. overl sides & or. ties ...

TERENTIUS -- RUHNKEN, David. Excerpta ex ore viri clarissimi Davidis Ruhnkenii (…) [ad Comoedias Terentii…]. (Utr, 1761-62). Manuscript in late 18...

TIBULLUS. Quae exstant. Acc. notae, cum var. lectionum libello & terni indices. (Studio J. Broukhusii). Amst., Ex off. Wetsteniana, 1708. (18), 47...

VERGILIUS. Wercken. In Nederduitsch dicht vert. d. J. v. Vondel. Amst., Wed. A. de Wees, 1660. (26), 565, (3) pp. W. engr. ti. Sm-4°. Cont. blind ...

AGRIPPA v. NETTESHEYM, H.C. The vanity of arts and sciences. Lond., 1676. Printed by J.C. for S. Speed, 1676. (18), 368 pp. W. engr. front.-portr....

(BATESIUS, G.). Vitæ selectorum aliquot virorum qui Doctrinâ, Dignitate, aut Pietate inclaruere. London, G. Wells, 1681. (4), 749 pp. 4°. Cont. ve...

BAUDIUS, D. Epistolæ semicenturia auctæ; Lacunis aliquot suppletis. Acc. eiusdem orationes et libellus de foenore. Leyden, L. Elzevirius, 1654. (2...

CASTELLENSIS, H. De vera philosophia libri IIII, ex quatuor ecclesiae doctoribus conscripti, (…). Cologne, M. Novesianus, 1540. (143) lvs. - Bound...

FÜRSTENBERG, F. v. Poemata Ferdinandi lib. Baronis de Furstenberg. Accedunt adoptivorum Carminum Libri II. Ed. 2a priori auctior. Amst., D. Elzevi...

GUDIUS, M. Marquardi Gudii et doctorum virorum ad eum epistolae. Quibus accedunt ex bibliotheca Gudiana clarissimorum et doctissimorum virorum, qu...

HOTMAN, F. & J. Epistolæ. Quibus accedit, epistolarum miscellanearum virorum doctorum, qui hoc & superiore sæculo claruere appendix. Ex bibl. J.G....

LEONICUS THOMAEUS, N. De varia historia libri tres, nuper in lucem editi. Lyon, Gryphius, 1532. 336, (30) pp. W. woodcut printer's mark on ti. Con...

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