A Pair Of 18-Bore Flintlock Silver-Mounted Pistols With Brass Barrels And Locks By Hadley, London, Birmingham Silver Hallmarks For 1777, Maker's Mark Of Charles Freeth With two-stage barrels each slightly swamped towards the muzzle and with turned girdle, octagonal breeches each signed in capitals along the top flat and engraved with foliate rocailles fore and aft, border engraved tangs decorated with foliage, border engraved flat bevelled locks each signed in capitals on a foliate rococo scroll and decorated en suite on the tail, engraved cocks and steels, figured full stocks (some old bruising) each carved with a shell behind the barrel tang, rounded butts each with swelling pommel, mounts comprising pierced and engraved ribbon side-plates, vacant escutcheons cast and chased with a flower above and drapery below, grotesque mask caps, trigger-guards each with shell and flower finial, and engraved with a flower-head in a diamond-shaped panel on the bow, turned ramrod-pipes, and original horn-tipped ramrods, one with iron worm, Tower private proof marks (2) 20.5 cm. barrels Footnotes: The maker is almost certainly Thomas Hadley, gunmaker, Birmingham, who was apprenticed to Thomas Hudson in 1750. On the death of his father, also Thomas, in 1766 he continued the business in Birmingham and is recorded as having died in 1789. Many Birmingham gunmakers signed their firearms 'London' This lot is subject to the following lot symbols: * * VAT on imported items at a preferential rate of 5% on Hammer Price and the prevailing rate on Buyer's Premium. For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com For further information about this lot please visit the lot listing
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A Pair Of 18-Bore Flintlock Silver-Mounted Pistols With Brass Barrels And Locks By Hadley, London, Birmingham Silver Hallmarks For 1777, Maker's Mark Of Charles Freeth With two-stage barrels each slightly swamped towards the muzzle and with turned girdle, octagonal breeches each signed in capitals along the top flat and engraved with foliate rocailles fore and aft, border engraved tangs decorated with foliage, border engraved flat bevelled locks each signed in capitals on a foliate rococo scroll and decorated en suite on the tail, engraved cocks and steels, figured full stocks (some old bruising) each carved with a shell behind the barrel tang, rounded butts each with swelling pommel, mounts comprising pierced and engraved ribbon side-plates, vacant escutcheons cast and chased with a flower above and drapery below, grotesque mask caps, trigger-guards each with shell and flower finial, and engraved with a flower-head in a diamond-shaped panel on the bow, turned ramrod-pipes, and original horn-tipped ramrods, one with iron worm, Tower private proof marks (2) 20.5 cm. barrels Footnotes: The maker is almost certainly Thomas Hadley, gunmaker, Birmingham, who was apprenticed to Thomas Hudson in 1750. On the death of his father, also Thomas, in 1766 he continued the business in Birmingham and is recorded as having died in 1789. Many Birmingham gunmakers signed their firearms 'London' This lot is subject to the following lot symbols: * * VAT on imported items at a preferential rate of 5% on Hammer Price and the prevailing rate on Buyer's Premium. For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com For further information about this lot please visit the lot listing
Stichworte: Pistole, Flintlock, Archery Equipment, Antique Arms, Bow, Cap