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A Cased Pair Of French 90-Bore Percussion Target Pistols By A. Brun, 110 Rue De Rivoli, Paris, Late 19th Century With reblued octagonal sighted barrels each signed in full in capitals along the top flat and rifled with eight spiral grooves, border engraved case-hardened breeches, tangs, detented locks, hammers and mounts, the first each with back-sight, the last comprising shaped pommels each drawn-out to a flattened diamond-shaped terminal with blued baluster finial, spur trigger-guards, and trigger-plates, figured half-stocks each carved with asymmetrical foliage in relief against a stippled ground on the fore-end and with fluted butt, and retaining much original case-hardened finish: in original lined and fitted rosewood case with accessories, the interior of the lid stamped with gilt maker's details, the exterior with shield-shaped vacant brass escutcheon 24.8 cm. barrels This lot is subject to the following lot symbols: * * VAT on imported items at a preferential rate of 5% on Hammer Price and the prevailing rate on Buyer's Premium. For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com For further information about this lot please visit the lot listing
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A Cased Pair Of French 90-Bore Percussion Target Pistols By A. Brun, 110 Rue De Rivoli, Paris, Late 19th Century With reblued octagonal sighted barrels each signed in full in capitals along the top flat and rifled with eight spiral grooves, border engraved case-hardened breeches, tangs, detented locks, hammers and mounts, the first each with back-sight, the last comprising shaped pommels each drawn-out to a flattened diamond-shaped terminal with blued baluster finial, spur trigger-guards, and trigger-plates, figured half-stocks each carved with asymmetrical foliage in relief against a stippled ground on the fore-end and with fluted butt, and retaining much original case-hardened finish: in original lined and fitted rosewood case with accessories, the interior of the lid stamped with gilt maker's details, the exterior with shield-shaped vacant brass escutcheon 24.8 cm. barrels This lot is subject to the following lot symbols: * * VAT on imported items at a preferential rate of 5% on Hammer Price and the prevailing rate on Buyer's Premium. For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com For further information about this lot please visit the lot listing
Stichworte: Pistole, Armour, Antique Arms, Shield