

1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758

In Motorcycles Online - The January Sale

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1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 1 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 2 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 3 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 4 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 5 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 6 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 7 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 8 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 9 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 10 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 11 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 12 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 13 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 14 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 15 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 16 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 17 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 18 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 19 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 20 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 21 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 22 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 23 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 24 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 25 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 26 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 27 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 28 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 29 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 30 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 31 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 32 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 33 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 34 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 35 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 36 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 37 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 38 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 39 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 40 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 41 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 42 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 43 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 1 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 2 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 3 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 4 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 5 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 6 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 7 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 8 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 9 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 10 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 11 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 12 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 13 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 14 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 15 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 16 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 17 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 18 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 19 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 20 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 21 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 22 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 23 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 24 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 25 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 26 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 27 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 28 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 29 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 30 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 31 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 32 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 33 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 34 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 35 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 36 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 37 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 38 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 39 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 40 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 41 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 42 aus 43
1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 - Bild 43 aus 43
Das Auktionshaus hat für dieses Los keine Ergebnisse veröffentlicht
Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Registration no. XVV 240 Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 Business partners Joseph Magnat and Louis Debon first came together in the 1890s, setting up a bicycle factory in their hometown of Grenoble. Using a De Dion Bouton engine, the firm built its first motorcycle in 1902. Magnat-Debon prospered in the years leading up to WWI, becoming synonymous with quality and prestige. However, both founders died in 1918 and in the early 1920s Magnat-Debon was sold to entrepreneur Alfred Turpillot, who merged the company with Terrot, another of his recent acquisitions. This Magnat-Debon two-stroke lightweight comes with some interesting souvenirs from its WWII experiences in the form of a copy of its travel pass, issued by the authorities in Orléans on 31st August 1944, and a 'decommissioning' bullet hole in the fuel tank. The machine also comes with dating and inspection paperwork from the Old Bike Register which describes it as '100% correct and has not been modified at all and has a delightful patina for the age'. According to the vendor: 'The traces of white paint beneath the top coat of black denotes that it was at one point in use by the German military [during the second world war]' No work has been beyond the previous owner stripping the tank and the vendor getting the machine running in 2017, which included having the magneto rewound and fully refurbished (invoice available). Work still required to make the bike rideable is a matter of making up cables to suit the original reversed control levers. The machine last ran in 2022. Offered with a V5C Registration Certificate. Key not required Footnotes: All lots are sold 'as is/where is' and Bidders must satisfy themselves as to the provenance, condition, age, completeness and originality prior to bidding. REQUEST A TRANSPORT QUOTE Please click the link to request a transport quote from our recommended transport company, Moving Motorcycles. To request a UK or European shipping quote - Moving Motorcycles To request an International shipping quote - Shippio Lot to be sold without reserve. For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com For further information about this lot please visit the lot listing

1934 Magnat-Debon 175cc L.M.U. Registration no. XVV 240 Frame no. 186257 Engine no. 39758 Business partners Joseph Magnat and Louis Debon first came together in the 1890s, setting up a bicycle factory in their hometown of Grenoble. Using a De Dion Bouton engine, the firm built its first motorcycle in 1902. Magnat-Debon prospered in the years leading up to WWI, becoming synonymous with quality and prestige. However, both founders died in 1918 and in the early 1920s Magnat-Debon was sold to entrepreneur Alfred Turpillot, who merged the company with Terrot, another of his recent acquisitions. This Magnat-Debon two-stroke lightweight comes with some interesting souvenirs from its WWII experiences in the form of a copy of its travel pass, issued by the authorities in Orléans on 31st August 1944, and a 'decommissioning' bullet hole in the fuel tank. The machine also comes with dating and inspection paperwork from the Old Bike Register which describes it as '100% correct and has not been modified at all and has a delightful patina for the age'. According to the vendor: 'The traces of white paint beneath the top coat of black denotes that it was at one point in use by the German military [during the second world war]' No work has been beyond the previous owner stripping the tank and the vendor getting the machine running in 2017, which included having the magneto rewound and fully refurbished (invoice available). Work still required to make the bike rideable is a matter of making up cables to suit the original reversed control levers. The machine last ran in 2022. Offered with a V5C Registration Certificate. Key not required Footnotes: All lots are sold 'as is/where is' and Bidders must satisfy themselves as to the provenance, condition, age, completeness and originality prior to bidding. REQUEST A TRANSPORT QUOTE Please click the link to request a transport quote from our recommended transport company, Moving Motorcycles. To request a UK or European shipping quote - Moving Motorcycles To request an International shipping quote - Shippio Lot to be sold without reserve. For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com For further information about this lot please visit the lot listing

Motorcycles Online - The January Sale

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Bonhams Unit 4 Lakeview, Bond Avenue Bletchley
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom
United Kingdom

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Vollständige AGBs

Stichworte: De Dion Bouton, Motorrad