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DUMOURIEZ CHARLES FRANCOIS: (1739-1823) - Bild 1 aus 4
DUMOURIEZ CHARLES FRANCOIS: (1739-1823) - Bild 2 aus 4
DUMOURIEZ CHARLES FRANCOIS: (1739-1823) - Bild 3 aus 4
DUMOURIEZ CHARLES FRANCOIS: (1739-1823) - Bild 4 aus 4
DUMOURIEZ CHARLES FRANCOIS: (1739-1823) - Bild 1 aus 4
DUMOURIEZ CHARLES FRANCOIS: (1739-1823) - Bild 2 aus 4
DUMOURIEZ CHARLES FRANCOIS: (1739-1823) - Bild 3 aus 4
DUMOURIEZ CHARLES FRANCOIS: (1739-1823) - Bild 4 aus 4
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Estepona, Malaga
DUMOURIEZ CHARLES FRANCOIS: (1739-1823) French General during the French Revolutionary Wars and Minister of Foreign Affairs March - June 1792. An interesting Autograph Letter, unsigned, four pages, 8vo, n.p., 17th October 1817, to [Charles Ferdinand d'Artois] ('Monseigneur'), in French. Dumouriez, at the time exiled in England, writes an informative letter with various pieces of news including that of an important mission involving Russian ships preparing to leave the Baltic, as well as other topics, in part, 'Nous n'avons encore aucune nouvelle de votre assemblee, mais je pense comme vous que les discussions se traiteront avec menagement. Alors elles eclaireront, & n'interdieront pas - je ne doute pas que, malgre la ratification, on ne parvienne, sinon a annuler le Concordat, au moins a le modifier de maniere a en diminuer une partie des inconvenients. La nomination de Beugnot pour aller relever Blacas a Rome me persuade que le Roi a juge comme toute l'Europe, que ce traite qui fut blame sous Francois I & Leon X, ne peut pas etre renouvelle au 19eme siecle apres 30 ans de revolution' (Translation: 'We still haven't heard anything from your assembly, but I agree with you that the discussions will be handled with care. I have no doubt that, despite ratification, we will manage, if not to annul the Concordat, at least to modify it in such a way as to reduce some of its inconveniences. The appointment of Beugnot to relieve Blacas in Rome convinces me that the King has judged, like the rest of Europe, that this treaty, which was blamed on Francois I and Leon X, cannot be renewed in the 19th century after 30 years of revolution') and continuing to again refer to the Duke of Blascas, 'Mr de Blacas, malgre sa benigne negociation, ne sera pas regarde a Rome. On me mande dans plusieurs lettres de cette ville qu'il s'y est fait detester par sa hauteur & ses indiscretions, des Romains, du Corps diplomatique & des Francais. Il est souhaiter qu'il change de manieres a Madrid, s'il y va bientot comme on le croit icy. Au reste cette mission peut devenir tres importante, & elle demande beaucoup de prudence pour eviter de se compromettre dans les affaires presque desesperees de l'Espagne, qui cherche partout des secours' (Translation: 'Mr de Blacas, despite his benign negotiation, will not be seen in Rome. I am told in several letters from that city that he has made himself hated there by his haughtiness and indiscretions, by the Romans, the diplomatic corps and the French. It is to be hoped that he will change his ways in Madrid, if he goes there soon as is believed here. Moreover, this mission may become very important, and it requires a great deal of prudence to avoid compromising himself in the almost desperate affairs of Spain, which is seeking help everywhere'), before turning his attention to the movements of Russian vessels, 'Nous aprenons que l'Escadre Russe de Revel de 6 viasseaux & quelques fregates va partir de la Baltique avant les Glaces pour aller-ou? C'est un vaste champ aux conjectures. On est tres occupe icy de ces mouvements, qui sont trop dispendieux pour un des pretextes qu'on lui suppose, celui d'aller chatier les Tunesiens!' (Translation: 'We learn that Revel's Russian squadron of 6 ships and a few frigates will leave the Baltic before the Ice to go-or? This is a vast field for conjecture. They are very busy here with these movements, which are too costly for one of the pretexts that they are supposed to have, that of going to punish the Tunisians!') and further observing 'Il est certain que l'armee de Benigsen sur les frontieres de la Turquie a ete portee a 80 m[ille] homme effectifs, & qu'on annonce que l'Emp[ereur] Al[exandre] doit aller visiter au printems ses provinces meridionales. Les Steps de la petite tartarie pourraient devenir aussi funestes pour lui que les bords du Boristhenes pour Charles XII & Bonaparte. La Peste pourrait devenir un puissant Allie pour les Turcs. Je croirais donc plustot, si cette Escadre sort reellement de la Baltique, qu'elle est destinee pour l'Espagne, surtout si elle a des troupes a bord soit pour se porter dans le Golphe du Mexique soit pour garnisoner Mahon. Cette conjecture coincide avec la negociation qui est poussee tres vivement a la Cour de Naples, negociation appuyee par la Russie pour engager le Roi votre beaupere a ceder aux Etats-Unis definitivement l'Isle de Ponza apres avoir echoue aux autres pretentions pour l'indemnite Murat. On me mande cette nouvelle comme certaines de Civita Vecchia, ou l'Escadre Americaine a mouille dernierement, mais on ne m'a donne aucun detail sur ce groupe d'isles peu connu je sais seulement que c'est un bon mouillage qu'on peut arranger pour devenir une bonne station navale. Calculez ce qui resulterait pour l'Angleterre, si la Russie & les Etats-Unis acqueraient simultanement un Establisement fixe dans la Mediterranee' (Translation: 'It is certain that Benigsen's army on the borders of Turkey has been increased to 80 thousand effective men, and that it is announced that the Emp[eror]Al[exander] is to visit his southern provinces in the spring. The Steps of Little Tartary could become as disastrous for him as the banks of the Boristhenes for Charles XII & Bonaparte. The Plague could become a powerful ally for the Turks. I would therefore rather believe, if this Squadron really leaves the Baltic, that it is destined for Spain, especially if it has troops on board either to go to the Gulf of Mexico or to garrison Mahon. This conjecture coincides with the negotiation which is being pushed very hard at the Court of Naples, a negotiation supported by Russia to urge the King your father-in-law to cede the Isle of Ponza definitively to the United States after having failed with the other claims for the Murat indemnity. I have been sent this news as some from Civita Vecchia, where the American squadron recently anchored, but I have not been given any details about this little-known group of islands, I only know that it is a good anchorage, which can be arranged to become a good naval station. Calculate what would result for England if Russia and the United States simultaneously acquired a fixed establishment in the Mediterranean'). Dumouriez concludes his letter by making a reference to the Austrian diplomat Prince Ludwig von Starhemberg, who had broken both of his legs, as well as the mysterious murder in Rodez of magistrate Antoine Bernardin Fualdes and the subsequent trial which included the infamous testimony of Clarisse Manson. Some light age wear and a few minor reinforcements to the central vertical fold of the bifolium. About VGCharles Ferdinand d'Artois (1778-1820) Duke of Berry. Son of King Charles X of France, and the husband of Marie-Caroline of Bourbon-Two Sicilies whom he had married in 1816.Pierre Louis Jean Casimir de Blacas (1771-1839) French antiquarian, nobleman and diplomat during the Bourbon Restoration.
DUMOURIEZ CHARLES FRANCOIS: (1739-1823) French General during the French Revolutionary Wars and Minister of Foreign Affairs March - June 1792. An interesting Autograph Letter, unsigned, four pages, 8vo, n.p., 17th October 1817, to [Charles Ferdinand d'Artois] ('Monseigneur'), in French. Dumouriez, at the time exiled in England, writes an informative letter with various pieces of news including that of an important mission involving Russian ships preparing to leave the Baltic, as well as other topics, in part, 'Nous n'avons encore aucune nouvelle de votre assemblee, mais je pense comme vous que les discussions se traiteront avec menagement. Alors elles eclaireront, & n'interdieront pas - je ne doute pas que, malgre la ratification, on ne parvienne, sinon a annuler le Concordat, au moins a le modifier de maniere a en diminuer une partie des inconvenients. La nomination de Beugnot pour aller relever Blacas a Rome me persuade que le Roi a juge comme toute l'Europe, que ce traite qui fut blame sous Francois I & Leon X, ne peut pas etre renouvelle au 19eme siecle apres 30 ans de revolution' (Translation: 'We still haven't heard anything from your assembly, but I agree with you that the discussions will be handled with care. I have no doubt that, despite ratification, we will manage, if not to annul the Concordat, at least to modify it in such a way as to reduce some of its inconveniences. The appointment of Beugnot to relieve Blacas in Rome convinces me that the King has judged, like the rest of Europe, that this treaty, which was blamed on Francois I and Leon X, cannot be renewed in the 19th century after 30 years of revolution') and continuing to again refer to the Duke of Blascas, 'Mr de Blacas, malgre sa benigne negociation, ne sera pas regarde a Rome. On me mande dans plusieurs lettres de cette ville qu'il s'y est fait detester par sa hauteur & ses indiscretions, des Romains, du Corps diplomatique & des Francais. Il est souhaiter qu'il change de manieres a Madrid, s'il y va bientot comme on le croit icy. Au reste cette mission peut devenir tres importante, & elle demande beaucoup de prudence pour eviter de se compromettre dans les affaires presque desesperees de l'Espagne, qui cherche partout des secours' (Translation: 'Mr de Blacas, despite his benign negotiation, will not be seen in Rome. I am told in several letters from that city that he has made himself hated there by his haughtiness and indiscretions, by the Romans, the diplomatic corps and the French. It is to be hoped that he will change his ways in Madrid, if he goes there soon as is believed here. Moreover, this mission may become very important, and it requires a great deal of prudence to avoid compromising himself in the almost desperate affairs of Spain, which is seeking help everywhere'), before turning his attention to the movements of Russian vessels, 'Nous aprenons que l'Escadre Russe de Revel de 6 viasseaux & quelques fregates va partir de la Baltique avant les Glaces pour aller-ou? C'est un vaste champ aux conjectures. On est tres occupe icy de ces mouvements, qui sont trop dispendieux pour un des pretextes qu'on lui suppose, celui d'aller chatier les Tunesiens!' (Translation: 'We learn that Revel's Russian squadron of 6 ships and a few frigates will leave the Baltic before the Ice to go-or? This is a vast field for conjecture. They are very busy here with these movements, which are too costly for one of the pretexts that they are supposed to have, that of going to punish the Tunisians!') and further observing 'Il est certain que l'armee de Benigsen sur les frontieres de la Turquie a ete portee a 80 m[ille] homme effectifs, & qu'on annonce que l'Emp[ereur] Al[exandre] doit aller visiter au printems ses provinces meridionales. Les Steps de la petite tartarie pourraient devenir aussi funestes pour lui que les bords du Boristhenes pour Charles XII & Bonaparte. La Peste pourrait devenir un puissant Allie pour les Turcs. Je croirais donc plustot, si cette Escadre sort reellement de la Baltique, qu'elle est destinee pour l'Espagne, surtout si elle a des troupes a bord soit pour se porter dans le Golphe du Mexique soit pour garnisoner Mahon. Cette conjecture coincide avec la negociation qui est poussee tres vivement a la Cour de Naples, negociation appuyee par la Russie pour engager le Roi votre beaupere a ceder aux Etats-Unis definitivement l'Isle de Ponza apres avoir echoue aux autres pretentions pour l'indemnite Murat. On me mande cette nouvelle comme certaines de Civita Vecchia, ou l'Escadre Americaine a mouille dernierement, mais on ne m'a donne aucun detail sur ce groupe d'isles peu connu je sais seulement que c'est un bon mouillage qu'on peut arranger pour devenir une bonne station navale. Calculez ce qui resulterait pour l'Angleterre, si la Russie & les Etats-Unis acqueraient simultanement un Establisement fixe dans la Mediterranee' (Translation: 'It is certain that Benigsen's army on the borders of Turkey has been increased to 80 thousand effective men, and that it is announced that the Emp[eror]Al[exander] is to visit his southern provinces in the spring. The Steps of Little Tartary could become as disastrous for him as the banks of the Boristhenes for Charles XII & Bonaparte. The Plague could become a powerful ally for the Turks. I would therefore rather believe, if this Squadron really leaves the Baltic, that it is destined for Spain, especially if it has troops on board either to go to the Gulf of Mexico or to garrison Mahon. This conjecture coincides with the negotiation which is being pushed very hard at the Court of Naples, a negotiation supported by Russia to urge the King your father-in-law to cede the Isle of Ponza definitively to the United States after having failed with the other claims for the Murat indemnity. I have been sent this news as some from Civita Vecchia, where the American squadron recently anchored, but I have not been given any details about this little-known group of islands, I only know that it is a good anchorage, which can be arranged to become a good naval station. Calculate what would result for England if Russia and the United States simultaneously acquired a fixed establishment in the Mediterranean'). Dumouriez concludes his letter by making a reference to the Austrian diplomat Prince Ludwig von Starhemberg, who had broken both of his legs, as well as the mysterious murder in Rodez of magistrate Antoine Bernardin Fualdes and the subsequent trial which included the infamous testimony of Clarisse Manson. Some light age wear and a few minor reinforcements to the central vertical fold of the bifolium. About VGCharles Ferdinand d'Artois (1778-1820) Duke of Berry. Son of King Charles X of France, and the husband of Marie-Caroline of Bourbon-Two Sicilies whom he had married in 1816.Pierre Louis Jean Casimir de Blacas (1771-1839) French antiquarian, nobleman and diplomat during the Bourbon Restoration.


Lose: 480
Lose: 550
Lose: 520
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