

Antique Neapolitan Louis XVI chest of drawers. 18th century

In Europäische Möbel, Gemälde und Skulpturen

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Antique Neapolitan Louis XVI chest of drawers. 18th century - Bild 1 aus 4
Antique Neapolitan Louis XVI chest of drawers. 18th century - Bild 2 aus 4
Antique Neapolitan Louis XVI chest of drawers. 18th century - Bild 3 aus 4
Antique Neapolitan Louis XVI chest of drawers. 18th century - Bild 4 aus 4
Antique Neapolitan Louis XVI chest of drawers. 18th century - Bild 1 aus 4
Antique Neapolitan Louis XVI chest of drawers. 18th century - Bild 2 aus 4
Antique Neapolitan Louis XVI chest of drawers. 18th century - Bild 3 aus 4
Antique Neapolitan Louis XVI chest of drawers. 18th century - Bild 4 aus 4
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Roma, Italy

Chest of drawers with two drawers with a structure veneered in exotic woods and inlaid with precious wood essences surmounted by a top in red French marble, first half of the 18th century. The front is marked by two raised drawers arranged on two rails, both graphically underlined by two turns of thread. A beautiful internally inlaid diamond reserve frames the metal nozzles, handle with knuckles, small apron veneered in a herringbone pattern. ADDITIONAL PHOTOS, INFORMATION OF THE LOT AND SHIPPING INFORMATION CAN BE REQUEST BY SENDING AN EMAIL TO: info@unicartauctions.com Indicative shipping costs in Italy: 200€ and Europe: 400€. Tags: Cassettone antico Luigi XVI Napoletano.XVIII secol. Cómoda napolitana antigua Luis XVI. Siglo XVIII. Commode napolitaine ancienne de style Louis XVI. XVIIIe siècle. Antike neapolitanische Kommode im Louis XVI-Stil. 18. Jahrhundert.



Chest of drawers with two drawers with a structure veneered in exotic woods and inlaid with precious wood essences surmounted by a top in red French marble, first half of the 18th century. The front is marked by two raised drawers arranged on two rails, both graphically underlined by two turns of thread. A beautiful internally inlaid diamond reserve frames the metal nozzles, handle with knuckles, small apron veneered in a herringbone pattern. ADDITIONAL PHOTOS, INFORMATION OF THE LOT AND SHIPPING INFORMATION CAN BE REQUEST BY SENDING AN EMAIL TO: info@unicartauctions.com Indicative shipping costs in Italy: 200€ and Europe: 400€. Tags: Cassettone antico Luigi XVI Napoletano.XVIII secol. Cómoda napolitana antigua Luis XVI. Siglo XVIII. Commode napolitaine ancienne de style Louis XVI. XVIIIe siècle. Antike neapolitanische Kommode im Louis XVI-Stil. 18. Jahrhundert.



Europäische Möbel, Gemälde und Skulpturen

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How to Buy
Unicart Srl provides a website www.unicartauctions.com on which it is possible to buy and sell art objects. the user before using our website must accept and comply with and the conditions established in our Terms and conditions of use.

1- Registration
Before being able to use the Service offered by the site www.unicartauctions.com, you need to create a Account. When registering and creating the Account, the following information must be provided: – All users are required to provide complete and truthful information on the natural person and / or on the company, however, it will be necessary to provide a copy of the identity documents, to be sent to the following e-mail address info@unicartauctions.com. The use of the access data is allowed to the registered person or company. The information provided should always be up to date The user must indicate his own “nickname” during registration which will be displayed when the offer is made – The user is solely responsible for any activity relating to their Account. Unicart Srl will not be able to verify who is the real user of their Account and therefore, will not have any responsibility for its use. Auction regulations

Each Offer is binding. any Offer originating from your Account will be deemed to have been made by the registered user. Even if the Offer is made by third parties through the use of the Account.

It is forbidden to bid for your own Lots or for the Lots of people connected to the same. It is not permitted for a person connected to the seller to bid on the latter’s lots. This procedure is referred to as a “trick offer”, and is contrary to the conditions of use of the site.

It is forbidden to contact users and / or third parties directly to conclude a purchase contract outside the site for Lots offered for sale on the site.

Unicart Srl, has the right to temporarily or permanently prevent at any time (before, during and after an online Auction) offers on Lots.

Unicart Srl, at its discretion, has the right to remove an Offer in an ongoing Online Auction if it deems it necessary (for example in case of possible abuse or fraud and in case of obvious mistake on the part of the bidder). If a Lot is deleted, all offers will also be removed

It is not allowed to propose to sellers to conclude an agreement outside the website

2- Purchase
The user-Buyer and user-Seller of a so-called lot good enter into a Purchase Agreement. If the Bid made is the highest at the end of the Online

Auction, the same will be considered the Buyer and the user will automatically enter into a Purchase Agreement with the User-Seller of the Lot. However, in the event that the Seller has set a Reserve Price and the Offer is lower than the reserve price, there will be no Purchase Agreement. The Terms of Use refer to the user’s duties regarding the Purchase Agreement.

A commission will be required for the use of the Service. The Commission charged to the User-Buyer is equal to 19% of the Purchase Price (VAT included). This amount will be added to the Purchase Price.

The shipping costs and any additional import costs (for example, VAT, import duties) will also be borne by the User-buyer. The user-buyer understands and accepts that it is their responsibility to check any specific rules or restrictions applicable to the importation of an object into your country.

3 – Export
You are required to check that your country allows you to import the purchased material. For the export of purchased items outside Italy, the export license issued by the Cultural Heritage is required, which the buyer is required to obtain personally. Unicart srl is not liable for such permits, nor can it guarantee the release of the same. Unicart srl at the request of the buyer, can provide by asking the seller to schedule the practices relating to the granting of export licenses, the related costs are borne by the buyer.

4 – Payment
All offers made by the buyer-user are binding. the User-buyer who has won a Lot must pay for it and must follow the following rules: 1- After the lot has been awarded, the User-buyer is required to pay the purchase price for the transport costs to the Seller within four (4) days and (ii) the Commission paid by the Buyer to Unicart Srl. ‘User-Buyer, understands that all costs (such as bank charges), taxes (such as withholding taxes), duties and fees due are his responsibility. 2- The User-buyer must not purchase the Lot as part of a false transaction that allows you and / or third parties to transfer the total or partial purchase price and to launder the money in question.

5 – Delivery
The user-seller sends the items to the address associated with the user-buyer account, therefore the data must always be updated. The User-Seller will ship the Lot after Unicart Srl has received the payment at the address indicated in the Account registration phase.

In some cases the seller user can also decide not to take care of the collection of the sold lot but let the buyer take care of it directly, in this case Unicart srl can only advise the buyer without any responsibility on the most appropriate transporter for the type of lot.


In case of problems with the lot, the User-buyer must notify it within three (3) days of delivery. the user-Seller will communicate the tracking code of the shipment of the lot, the User-buyer accepts that the complaint will not be evaluated and the Seller will receive his payment in case of failure to communicate within this period of three (3) days.

In the event of a shipping problem, users should seek a solution directly from the parties concerned.

Unicart Srl has the right to cancel the transaction in the event that the Seller does not deliver the Lot. If the Seller does not deliver the Lot in accordance with its obligations under the Terms and Conditions for Sellers Unicart Srl, will have the right to cancel the transaction from its system. The cancellation of the transaction is not equivalent to a dissolution of the Purchase Agreement.

if the buyer chooses a shipping method not mentioned by the seller, or decides or will be obliged by the seller to collect it personally expires every responsibility , the seller loses all responsibility including the right of withdrawal, since it is taken over by the carrier or courier chosen by the buyer and dissolves any link between buyer and seller, any disputes subsequent to the collection managed independently by the buyer must take place directly between the seller and the buyer. Unicart Srl is released from all charges, obligations and responsibilities.

withdrawal of the lot must be withdrawn within 4 working days of payment, after which there may be storage costs by the seller and if the lot is not collected after another 10 days by the buyer, Unicart srl will pay the seller, freeing himself from any liability between the parties.

the buyer is obliged to monitor the shipment in order to be found at home at the time of delivery, if the shipment remains at customs for any eventuality, after 10 days, Unicart Srl will continue with the payment to the seller, and dissolve any bond between buyer and seller, for further problems regarding the purchase the buyer must contact the seller directly and continue with him / her.

6 – Non-fulfillment of duties towards the Seller
If you fail to comply with the obligations arising from the Purchase Agreement towards the Seller, you will be in default and the Seller will be entitled to terminate the Purchase Agreement. We may send you a notice of default and a notice of dissolution on behalf of the Seller, but we have no obligation to do so. In this context, your obligations include compensation for damages against the Seller, without prejudice to any other rights of the Seller.

7 – Non-fulfillment of duties towards
In case of non-compliance with the Terms of Use towards Unicart Srl, it could decide to cancel the transaction of the Lot in question. This cancellation is not equivalent to a dissolution of the Purchase Agreement. However, in case of cancellation of the transaction, Unicart S.r.l. could hold the user responsible for any damages and expenses incurred and / or derived from non-compliance with the terms of use. This means that the user-buyer will be required to pay a penalty to be paid by the user-seller and Unicart Srl equal to 19% of the value of the object of the auction.

8 – Right of withdrawal
Consumers are entitled to a legal guarantee on the conformity of the Lots. Furthermore, depending on the place of residence, you may be entitled to cancel and return the purchase without the need for justification.

It is possible that the application of the European right of withdrawal is valid for your Purchase Agreement. Consumers residing in a country within the European Economic Area and purchasing a Lot from a Professional Seller have the right to withdraw from the purchase within a period of 14 days (“cooling off time”), without the need for justification.

In the event of withdrawal, the buyer must send the written request via email within 3 working days from the date of delivery of the lot.

In the event of withdrawal, the user must return the Lot within 14 days from the notification of withdrawal. The Lot must be returned to the Seller with all accessories delivered in the original state and packaging. The buyer will only be responsible for any potential decrease in the value of the Lot resulting from handling that goes beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the Lot itself. The user will be entitled to a refund of the entire purchase price, excluding shipping costs and the Commission charged to the Buyer. Any direct costs for the return of the Lot will also be borne by the buyer.

Unicart Srl provides a website www.unicartauctions.com on which it is possible to buy and sell art objects. the user before using our website must accept and comply with and the conditions established in our Terms and conditions of use.

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Presenting lots at auction
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5. An indication of any shipping costs. 6. Any other conditions relating to the object offered at auction. – Guarantee for the sale of the Lot. Lots offered for sale must not, violate any law or regulation, (ii) violate any third party rights, including rights deriving from agreements and Intellectual Property Rights, (iii) act fraudulently in general, or (iv) act in an illegal and / or fraudulent manner towards third parties or Unicart Srl, User-seller also guarantees that the auction and sale of the Lot constitutes an honest and authentic transaction. In particular, it guarantees not to auction the Lot as part of a false transaction that can be traced back to money laundering. – Withdrawal of Lots from the auction before the auction starts. Lots can be withdrawn from the auction until they are published on the online site and are visible to other Users. After this deadline, the user-seller will no longer be able to change the conditions associated with the offer of the object at auction, but will be considered accepted, as per communication that will be sent by e-mail from Unicart S.r.l.

Lots at auction
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Delivery or collection of Lots
Following the sale of a Lot, the User-Buyer will have to pay the Purchase Price, any transport costs and the Commission charged to the same. Unicart Srl will inform the user-seller as soon as the Buyer has made the payment, so as to allow the user-seller to ship the Lot to the Buyer. The characteristics, colors, features, etc. of each lot are described by the images and characteristics provided by the user-seller. If the object is different from what can be perceived through the information and images provided by the user-seller and uploaded on unicartauctions.com or other auctions platform managed by Unicart Srl, the user-seller has the burden of payment of the withdrawal of the non-compliant object and free Unicart Srl immediately from any liability. Furthermore, in the event of a dispute between seller-buyer, both will defer to the impartial decision of Unicart Srl which will establish the conformity of the object to the web page that represented it. – The Lot must be shipped within four (4) working days of payment. The lot must be carefully packed and sent within four (4) working days of receipt of payment confirmation by Unicart Srl. The user-seller is fully responsible for shipping the Lot to the Buyer. – The Lots must be sent with a tracking code. The risks of shipments for any damage and / or loss of the Lots during transport will be borne by the User-seller. – Lots must be shipped from the address indicated in the Account The userseller is required to ship the lots from the address indicated in his account, indicated in the registration phase. In case of shipment of the Lot from a different address, the additional costs will be borne by the user-seller. The user-seller must contact the user-buyer in case of problems with the shipment. In the event of loss and / or damage to the Lot during shipment, a solution must be reached directly with the user-Buyer.

Payment of Lots
the Purchase Price will be paid to the seller user (net of the Commission payable by the Seller) after the Buyer has paid the Purchase Price, any transport costs and the Commission to be paid by the user – Buyer and (the seller-user will have shipped the Lot – withhold payment. Unicart Srl will have the right to suspend the payment in the event that the user-Buyer has notified a dispute due, for example, to alleged damage or noncompliance of the Lot. – the right to cancel a transaction in the event of non-payment by the Buyer user. If the user-buyer does not make the payment in accordance with the obligations of the user-seller, Unicart Srl will solicit payment. If the user-Buyer fails to pay, the user-seller accepts and acknowledges that Unicart Srl can cancel the transaction in our system. The cancellation of the transaction is not equivalent to a dissolution of the Sales Agreement. Once the transaction has been canceled, the user-seller can decide to present the Lot again at auction or contact the user-Buyer directly to assert their rights under the Sales Agreement. – The right not to pay you. In case of non-compliance with our Terms and Conditions of Use Unicart Srl reserves the right not to pay the payment for the Lot in question. In this case the user-seller accepts and acknowledges that he will waive any claim that you may have against Unicart Srl for the aforementioned payments.

Failure to fulfill duties towards the Buyer

In the event of failure of the user-seller to comply with the duties arising from the Sales Agreement towards the user-Buyer, the user-seller will be considered in default and the user-Buyer will have the right to terminate the Sales Agreement. The user-seller will have to reimburse the user-Buyer of the purchase price if already received by the same. Unicart Srl will not be responsible for the refund.

Vollständige AGBs

Stichworte: Chest of Drawers, Truhe, Kommode, Cabinets & Case Pieces